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Buxerolles: a second album for the Cactus Riders

The Poitevin rockabilly group The Cactus Riders released their second album entitled “50’s Radio”. An exit concert is scheduled at La Rotative de Buxerolles on Friday February 17, 2023.

This will be their second album, but the very first recorded in the studio. After their Live in Poitiers-Tennesseerecorded during a memorable concert at La Blaiserie in 2017, the Cactus Riders come out 50’s Radioan album of covers of rock standards, straight out of the 50s.

Among the sixteen titles recorded in September 2022, in Antoine Escalier’s Gumbo Lab in Neuville-de-Poitou, are thus See You Later Alligator, Rock Around the Clock, Twist and Shout or Great Balls of Fire.

“Apart from Johnny B. Goode, we deliberately took songs that weren’t on the first album”notes the pianist Vincent Dacquet. “But we still recorded all together, in the studio, rather than instrument by instrumentadds guitarist Benjamin Renaud. We want people to find, on the disc, the songs as they heard them on stage. »

The voices, on the other hand, were recorded a posteriori, during sessions in the studio of the band’s drummer, Caryl Marolleau, in Buxerolles. And it is also in Buxerolles, on the stage of La Rotative, that the album release concert will be given, this Friday, February 17, 2023.

Ben, Vince, Caryl and Andy (alias Andolin Vermillet, the double bassist of the group) are also in technical residence, throughout the week, in the performance hall of the Maison des projets. “It’s a co-production between La Rotative and the Cactus Ridersemphasizes Benjamin Renaud. The residency will allow us to work on the lighting, with the help of Martin Rossi, from the Or Normes collective, to refine elements of scenography and to test new feedback, via headsets. »

An album of compositions already in the works

This work on light could open new doors for the Poitevin quartet. “We did more than 200 concerts, the majority of which were outdoorsrecalls Vincent Dacquet. We gave very little in the room, but the creation of light can change things. »

And the four rockers are already working on a third album, scheduled for 2024. “It will only include compositions, some of which will be played at La Rotative on February 17warns Benjamin Renaud. And for the recording, the studio is already reserved! »

Cactus Riders album release concert, Friday February 17, 2023, at 8:30 p.m., at La Rotative de Buxerolles. Price: €5. www.cactus-riders.com

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