Home » today » News » Butusov: Downed Su-35 pilot fled from the crash site, but did not leave the Armed Forces of Ukraine – photo of the occupier – news of Ukraine, Politics

Butusov: Downed Su-35 pilot fled from the crash site, but did not leave the Armed Forces of Ukraine – photo of the occupier – news of Ukraine, Politics


Pilot shot down yesterday near Izyum in the Kharkiv region, a Su-35S fighter of the Russian invaders, which ejected, traveled more than 10 km in an attempt to escape, but was detained. He writes about it in Facebook military journalist Yuri Butusov.

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According to him, the plane is from the 159th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces (in / h 45121Besovets garrison, Chalna-1, Karelia).

The journalist named the title and name of the Russian prisoner of war – Major Sergei Ermaloin.

“[Он] tried to escape and left the crash site for more than 10 km. However, units of the 24th brigade, battalion of NSU named after. Kulchitsky, the local territorial defense and 81 brigades organized a large-scale search, as a result, the anti-aircraft gunners of the 81st brigade detained the criminal,” the journalist said.

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According to the journalist, a war criminal from the Russian Federation confessed to repeated sorties on the bombing of cities, made 40 sorties in Syria and 15 – in Ukraine (two – to search for air defense systems).

“In the sortie in which he was shot down, he performed the task of searching for Ukrainian air defense systems and, in a certain sense, he completed the task: he found what he wanted,” Butusov said.

The enemy aircraft was equipped with the most modern electronic weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Khibiny electronic countermeasures station, the Irbis radar, and the OLS-35 optical-location station. On board were anti-radar missiles and guided bombs.

See photo: “It’s the Russian Empire on fire.” The General Staff showed the flaming remains of the latest Su-35 of the Russian Aerospace Forces

Eugene Pilipenko

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