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Butterfly Metamorphosis and Its Habitat, from Egg to Adult

Words. (pixabay / Nikiko)

Hitekno.com – Metamorphosis become an important stage in some living things, one of which is butterflies. How the process butterfly metamorphosis and its habitat is an interesting Biology subject to review.

How the metamorphosis of butterflies and their habitats is described in this article. From egg to adult into a butterfly.

Butterflies are insects that have beautiful and colorful wing shapes. Butterflies are also often found in gardens and perch on flowers.

Please note, Butterflies are insects that belong to the order lepidoptera or scaly winged insects.

These insects are active during the day. Behind the beautiful wings of a butterfly, there is a process for the butterfly to develop from an unattractive form. This process of change is known as butterfly metamorphosis.

Previously, metamorphosis was divided into two, namely, complete metamorphosis and imperfect metamorphosis.

Butterflies are a type of insect that has a perfect metamorphosis because it has a very significant difference in shape between the initial and final phases from egg to adult butterfly.

Butterfly illustration. (freedigitalphotos)

What are the stages of the butterfly metamorphosis? Check out the explanation below.

Butterfly Metamorphosis Stages

1. Eggs

Butterflies start life as small, round, oval eggs. Butterfly eggs usually nest on plant leaves. Adult butterflies lay their eggs and take 3-5 days to hatch.

2. Larva

Larvae are the form after the eggs hatch. This larva or caterpillar undergoes several changes in hair and skin as it grows up to 5-6 times.

3. Cocoon

The larvae will form a cocoon to become an adult butterfly. This pupal period will last several days. The larvae of the pupa undergo transformation to form a butterfly. In this process, it is called “metamorphosis”.

4. Adult butterflies

After the larva (caterpillar) performs formation and changes through the cocoon process, finally the adult butterfly emerges from the cocoon. Upon exiting, the butterfly wings are still soft and involved in the body. Butterflies still have to make adjustments to their environment before they can fly completely.

This metamorphosis will continue until the adult butterfly finds a butterfly of the opposite sex and reproduces, spawns on the leaf, and the life cycle of the egg until the adult butterfly continues.

Habitat of Butterflies

Butterflies have habitats in parks, forests and meadows. Butterflies are also frequently seen on the slopes of high mountains, cliff tops and marshes. Basically, butterflies live in plants because butterflies consume nectar from flowers.

That is the process of metamorphosis of butterflies and their habitat, I hope you understand. (Voice.com/ Muhammad Zuhdi Hidayat).

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