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Butet Kartaredjasa Satirizes Idiot Presidential Candidate and Flooding in Poetry Reading

Culturalist Bambang Ekoloyo Butet Kartaredjasa delivered a powerful poetry recitation in front of PDIP cadres during the Bung Karno Month (BBK) commemoration in Jakarta. In his performance, Butet satirized the foolish presidential candidate, addressed the issue of flooding, and alluded to the need for change. However, the Democratic Party (PD) criticized Butet’s language, claiming that it was not straightforward in satirizing the presidential candidate.

“The language is not clear,” stated Democratic Party Bappilu chairman Andi Arief in a press conference on Saturday. The Democratic Party is currently supporting Anies Baswedan as their presidential candidate and has been advocating for change through the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP). Andi Arief indirectly referred to Butet Kartaredjasa as a cultural craftsman who made innuendos about the foolish presidential candidate, floods, and the need for change.

Andi Arief further explained that during the late New Order era, many intellectuals and humanists sought favor from those in power. He questioned whether Butet falls into the category of artisan cultivators, stating that this phenomenon of cultural craftsmen often arises due to their fear of change.

Butet Kartaredjasa recited his poem in front of tens of thousands of PDIP cadres at the Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK) in Central Jakarta. The poem was performed before artist Sri Krishna Encik sang the song ‘Ganjar Siji Ganjar Kabeh’. Initially, Butet praised PDIP for their spirit of ‘carrying on’, but also highlighted the existence of groups that solely seek ‘change’.

Butet’s satirical remarks also touched on the issue of flooding, referring to it as ‘parking water’ by one group. He emphasized that calling it ‘flooding’ is the correct term and suggested that those who use the term ‘parking water’ have a limited understanding. Butet also mentioned a figure who boasted about wanting to be tackled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), but in reality, this figure was targeted for their involvement in corrupt activities.

The recitation by Butet Kartaredjasa sparked discussions and debates among political circles. Some praised his artistic expression and the underlying messages in his poetry, while others criticized the lack of clarity in his satirical remarks. The impact of Butet’s performance on the upcoming presidential election remains to be seen.


How does Butet Kartaredjasa’s use of satire in his poetry recitation at the BBK commemoration address the issue of flooding and the need for change?

“The language lacks clarity,” remarked Andi A, the chairman of the Democratic Party’s Bappilu, in response to Butet Kartaredjasa’s powerful poetry recitation during the Bung Karno Month (BBK) commemoration in Jakarta. The Culturalist Bambang Ekoloyo had used satire to address the foolish presidential candidate and highlighted the issue of flooding while alluding to the importance of change. However, the Democratic Party expressed their criticism, stating that Butet’s language did not effectively convey the intended satire towards the presidential candidate.

1 thought on “Butet Kartaredjasa Satirizes Idiot Presidential Candidate and Flooding in Poetry Reading”

  1. “Brilliant, thought-provoking and absolutely hilarious! Butet Kartaredjasa’s satirical take on an idiot presidential candidate and the issue of flooding in his poetry reading is pure genius. A must-watch for anyone who appreciates sharp wit and clever social commentary.”


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