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but only for some categories

Important news is coming regarding the IMU, with many who will be able to benefit from the relative cancellation. So let’s go into the details and see what’s going on.

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The last year was marked by the impact of the Covid which unfortunately continues to have negative repercussions on our lives, both in terms of social relations and economic. In fact, in order to counteract its spread, we are asked to pay attention to various precautions. For example, social distancing and the use of masks are a clear demonstration of this. To aggravate the situation, the fact that many entrepreneurs have had to lower the shutters of their activities, forcing many families to have to deal with lower income.

A very complicated historical period, with the government having decided to adopt various forms of aid, such as those provided for in the two Sostegni decrees. In this regard, we recall that the Senate Chamber has recently approved the confidence requested by the Government from Sostegn decreeo Until, thus giving the definitive go-ahead to the provision. The latter brings with it many important innovations, including the cancellation of theImu. An important measure, which will benefit many, but not all.

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Imu 2021 being canceled: everything you need to know

Imu Bologna
Photo: Web

Thanks to the Sostegni Bis Decree, the government has decided to introduce a series of measures aimed at offering help to the categories most affected by the crisis. In particular, it will be interesting to know that it has been decided to exempt from the payment of the Imu the owners who cannot dispose of their property due to the blocking of evictions. The subjects in question, we recall, have already had to pay the deposit for 2021 by last June 16. Precisely for this reason they will be able to benefit from the relative reimbursement. But not only that, they will not have to pay the balance due by December 16. An undoubtedly very important measure that should only concern the owners of residential propertiesie non-commercial.

A choice that inevitably raises some perplexity, given that unfortunately there are many tenants of shops who, due to the various closures, have not been able to pay the relative rents over the last few months. The owners, on the other hand, still had to pay the Imu. As for the business owners who are also owners of the property, on the other hand, it is necessary to know that the latter have the right, as provided for by the 2021 budget law, toImu exemption, if in possession of certain categories of properties. In particular, the following will be exempt from the relative payment:

  • seaside, lake and river bathing establishments or spas;
  • properties falling within the cadastral category of hotels and boarding houses D / 2, farmhouses, hostels, mountain refuges, landlords, holiday apartments, bed & breakfasts, residences, campsites and tourist villages;
  • used by companies that carry out the activities of setting up exhibition structures in the context of trade fairs or exhibitions;
  • discos, dance halls, night clubs and the like.

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Furthermore, with regard to Imu, let us remember that they continue to be buildings used as a first home are exempt, as long as it is not a luxury property.

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