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but be careful what you risk

Green pass day starts and suddenly the illnesses grow. On the day of the entry into force of the obligation of the green certificate at work there is a jump in sickness certificates throughout Italy. A suspicious jump of over 22%, which led the Medical Association to recall its members and warn them of the consequences, including penalties, of issuing certificates outside the rules.

Green pass, boom of diseases: the numbers of INPS

The INPS has in fact reported on October 15 a increase of 17,320 sick workers, 22.6% more than the day before. Compared to the 76,851 registered in the previous week, 94,191 employees were absent from work due to illness.

Looking specifically at the public and private sectors, the surge in the PA was + 18.3%, lower than the average and for company employees, with + 21.1% certificates (who the rules of controls in the company)

The increase is 10.5%, as regards workers classified by the INPS as not protected, who by law do not receive sick pay.

The presentiment is therefore that behind this peak of absences from work detected in just 24 hours, on the day of the mandatory green pass (who the picture on strikes) there may be situations in which many persons without a certificate have remained at home declaring, in some cases with the help of doctors, a false illness (who Federfarma’s initiative to encourage vaccinations).

Green pass, boom of diseases: the call to doctors

In this sense, the warning from the Medical Association is clear: “No certificates on the phone, they are granted only after a face-to-face visit, as required by law. And for those released, all the rules were followed ”.

Circumstance rejected by Filippo Anelli, president of the National Federation of the orders of surgeons and dentists (Fnomceo): “If the doctors have issued the certificates they have done so following all the rules – he has declared. The doctor must necessarily visit the patient and must make an objective evaluation. However, we make an appeal to be very careful in issuing certificates in compliance with all legal regulations. But this, I repeat, happens regularly and is an integral part of the profession. “

“It is clear that even social unease can sometimes lead to a state of illness – explained Anelli. So the doctor must carefully evaluate these situations case by case to understand whether or not they create an inability to work ”.

The issue of certificates not in the presence of the patient but at a distance is prohibited by law, therefore it is a crime”Warns Claudio Cricelli, president of the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care.

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