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‘Busyness is a factor in keeping your distance, mouth mask does not play a role’

Wearing a mouth mask does not play a role in keeping your distance. Researchers conclude this on the basis of studying camera images.

This is an investigation by the Netherlands Study Center for Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) by anthropologist and criminologist Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard and sociologist Lasse Liebst. The camera images they viewed were taken at the end of May and the beginning of June in a shopping street in the city.

‘This showed that people preferred the guideline social distancing often ignore ‘, it writes NSCR. ‘More than half (55%) did not adhere to a distance of 1.5 meters in the half minute that they were in the picture and 12% even kept less than half a meter apart. Families or people who clearly came from one household were not included in this. ‘

The busier it is on the street, the more often the one-and-a-half meter rule is violated. ‘Busyness thus seems to be the most important predictive factor for keeping less distance. Wearing a mouth mask makes no difference. People with a mouth mask do not stick to the rules any better or worse than people without a mouth mask. ‘

The survey also found that eighty percent of people who voluntarily wear a mouth mask do it the right way: over the nose and mouth.

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