CAMPS – Special scenes at the pick-up location for the flu shot Friday afternoon. At the sports hall on the Akelei, long lines of people were waiting for them to enter. A strange scene at a time when stricter corona measures have just been announced.
Many people waiting, especially the elderly, had to take an extra risk in the middle of corona time to get a flu shot. Although they were outdoors and generally five feet away, the rule that no more than two people were allowed to stand together in the open air could not be enforced.
“It seems as if some event was organized at the Akelei,” a resident told the editorial staff of De Brug. “Bizarre these days,” said another. Former alderman Pieter Treep also expressed his surprise. He shared the following on Twitter: “Then you get a flu shot because you don’t want to get sick. And then the doctors organize it in such a way. Why not more than two people together in the open air? ”