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BUSSY-RABUTIN: Blood donation to the castle on September 28th

During the “Blood Donation & Heritage” weeks: the EFS and the Center for
national monuments join forces to “provide donors with a unique gift experience”.

The French Blood Institute (EFS) and the Center for National Monuments (CMN) have just signed a partnership agreement. The target. the goal? It combines culture and public health by allowing donors to come and donate blood in exceptional places and introducing them to French cultural heritage.

The “Donation of blood and assets” operation.

Making a citizen and solidarity gesture, discovering an unusual or prestigious place that is part of the architectural and historical heritage of France, is the common ambition of EFS and CMN to attract new donors. CMN and EFS therefore signed a partnership agreement this summer to honor donors by offering them a unique donation experience. The blood collections will be distributed in exceptional national monuments, on the occasion of the “Donation of blood and heritage” operation, organized over several weeks in September and October, in particular on the occasion of the European Heritage Days.

10,000 donations are needed every day to meet the needs of the sick. Daily mobilization and donor generosity remain essential!

Continue organizing exception collections, a process already initiated by the EFS

Fort du succès de nombreuses collectes organisées dans des lieux de culture, l’Établissement français du sang a souhaité poursuivre et pérenniser cette démarche qui s’inscrit pleinement dans sa volunté de diversifier son offers de collecte et d’offrir aux donneurs des expériences de don different. Although the organization of collections in exceptional places had already been started in the past, it was greatly accelerated by the two years of health crisis, which allowed the EFS to innovate, identifying new places to overcome the great difficulties of the collection offers that still impact blood donation to date. The EFS and the CMN are particularly proud to join forces to share as widely as possible this magnificent civic gesture which is the donation of blood.

Historic monuments serving a public health cause

For Philippe Bélaval, President of the Center des Monuments Nationaux, “the Center des Monuments Nationaux is delighted with an exemplary partnership, which is fully in line with its civic commitment: historical monuments can also meet collective needs. I am pleased with the participation of 12 sites in this operation, throughout the territory. ”

For his part, François Toujas, president of the French Blood Institute, said: “We are particularly happy to be able to offer donors a unique donation experience thanks to CMN, which has generously joined our cause. Strengthened by common values ​​around sharing and creating social bonds, it is finally quite natural that the world of culture and that of health meet and join forces today for the donation of blood. “.

Prestigious collections to discover everywhere in France:
– The Palace of Tau, September 16, 2022
– The Royal Monastery of Brou, September 17, 2022
– Angers Castle, 20 and 21 September 2022
– The Château de Pierrefonds, 21 September 2022
– The castle of La Motte-Tilly, 21 September 2022
– Puyguilhem Castle, 21 September 2022
– Castelnau-Bretenoux castle, 21 September 2022
– Châteaudun Castle, 22 and 23 September 2022
– The fortress of Salses, September 28, 2022
– The castle of Bussy-Rabutin, 28 September 2022
– The Basilica of Saint-Denis, October 4, 2022
– L’Hôtel de la Marine, 21 October 2022

Appointment on 28 September from 9:00 to 13:00 for a blood donation in the sumptuous setting of the Grands Communs of the Castle of Bussy-Rabuti. Donors will therefore be able to freely enjoy the monument until it is closed.

At least 60 donors should meet patient needs!

Find all practical information about the collections at www.lecmn.fr/EFS and on the EFS website www.dondesang.efs.sante.fr or the “Blood Donation” application.

Press release

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