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Business talk from the Kleine Zeitung | The price of energy shapes the location

Energy prices and private consumption: These are two parameters that have a decisive influence on the future development of the regional economy. Economist Eric Kirschner, head of the research group for regional economics and structural policy at Joanneum Research, made this connection clear in the recent “Economic Talk” in the Kleine Zeitung.

Kirschner was able to brighten up the cautious outlook that is currently weighing on the mood in many industries with a few tips. He said, for example: “Austria’s employees are above average well trained and therefore competitive.” It is also positive that unemployment is not increasing despite the economic downturn.

However, the high interest rates are a factor that greatly dampens companies’ willingness to invest, according to the researcher. Although he generally rejects government intervention in the market, continued price support is necessary for industrial electricity prices. Otherwise the location would lose too much ground to competitors such as Germany or France. This is particularly essential for Styria with its high proportion of energy-intensive industry.

The top-class group of entrepreneurs and officials present discussed these theses lively. For example, “Saubermacher” supervisory board chairman Hans Roth was emphatically optimistic: “The world needs Austria.” Among those present were, for example, Daniela Pak-Graf (Merkur Innovation Lab), Martin Graf (Energie Steiermark), Karl Hartleb (ICS), Christian Krainer (ÖWG), lawyer Arno Likar and Bernd Maier from the Rubikon agency. Nina Zechner (IV), Christoph Kröpfl (Chamber of Labor), Herbert Ritter and Mario Lugger (both Chamber of Commerce) discussed among the social partners. Councilor Günter Riegler was there for the city of Graz.

2023-11-23 06:33:18
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