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Business Development is? This is the Task to the Main Skill

What is business development?

Business Development adalah? Ini Tugas hingga Skill Utamanya!">
Business Development adalah? Ini Tugas hingga Skill Utamanya!">

Illustration and business development (pexels.com/Karolina Grabowska)

Do you have skill good communication and interested in the business world? Maybe a career as business development suits you. What the heck is that? Business development is part of the business strategy.

Therefore, if you are interested and want to know more about this, you can listen to this article until it’s finished. come on, scroll go on!

1. Pengertian business development

business development (pexels.com/Christina Morillo)" src="https://i0.wp.com/cdn.idntimes.com/content-images/post/20230223/1-f71a0ce01261b39f054faeabd46896e2.jpg?resize=900%2C601&ssl=1" width="900" height="601" layout="responsive">Ilustrasi business development (pexels.com/Christina Morillo)

Business development is the process of creating long-term value for a company through developing business, market, and customer relationships. This long-term value means earnings and company image.

That’s why, one business development must have three components concerning business relations, markets, and customers. All three must interact with each other so that the company can grow.

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2. The role of business development in the company

business development (pexels.com/fauxels)" src="https://i0.wp.com/cdn.idntimes.com/content-images/post/20230223/2-8966ca89aa27f65ade248ab4b3a47037.jpg?resize=900%2C600&ssl=1" width="900" height="600" layout="responsive">Business development illustration (pexels.com/fauxels)

Role business development very important for the company. They must be able to find new opportunities or opportunities for the company in order to be able to develop new businesses to be marketed, because it determines long-term business continuity.

Usually when a business development creating a new business, will assess the benefits and potential of the business to be created. This is related to finance, marketing, knowledge management, and customer service. Therefore, companies must be able to adapt to market demands when developing their business.

They will definitely do research, improve and maintain customer relations, identify and make potential business opportunities. So all of these business strategies must be made by business development.

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3. The task of being a business development

business development (pexels.com/Mikael Blomkvist)" src="https://i0.wp.com/cdn.idntimes.com/content-images/post/20230223/3-7527fc2eb96df5a52b7a088a878ec71c.jpg?resize=900%2C600&ssl=1" width="900" height="600" layout="responsive">Business development illustration (pexels.com/Mikael Blomkvist)

After knowing the role business development in a company, of course you already have an idea of ​​the big responsibilities they carry. That’s why one business development must have a strong team to realize the vision and mission of the company.

Basically, business development must be able to grow the company’s business. But to make it happen, they have duties and responsibilities as below.

  • Do market research.
  • Looking for new customer opportunities.
  • Maintain relationships between customers or clients.
  • Able to work with other divisions to meet market needs.
  • Develop and present the company’s business development plan.
  • Conduct business development research.
  • Understand the company’s products, competitors, and its business position in the market.
  • Work closely with sales to get promising new customers.

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