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Business credit, sharp decline in the first six months of the year

CNA study: at the end of June 386 million less disbursed by the banking system to production activities


Bank credit cords continue to remain tightly sewn for Abruzzo‘s micro businesses. As of last June 30 – says the study carried out by Aldo Ronci for CNA Artigiani Entrepreneurs of Italy Abruzzo – compared to 31 December 2023, a good 94 million euros were missing, which in percentage value means a decrease of 4.73% , much higher than the national one. «In the report drawn up on data from the Bank of Italy – explains the author – data referring to the so-called “living loans” were taken into consideration, i.e. the loans that banks grant to their customers net of bad debts».

But if Athens (small businesses) cries, Sparta (large and medium-sized businesses) certainly doesn’t laugh: with the result that the dish weeps for the entire world of regional entrepreneurship: because here the data report that the fall was equal to 292 million, with a percentage value of -3.83%, against the Italian 1.13%: with the result that, adding the losses of the entire business world, we reach 386 million. Not even the world of consumer families escapes this picture of negativity: they in turn lose something like 39 million euros on the street in the same period of time.

In short, in the first half of the year, a total of 425 million businesses of various sizes and families were missing, with a percentage value (-2.25% almost double the national average (- 1.12%.). With an average of credit granted per company which is also very low: just 58% of the Italian average.

In this gloomy scenario, the decrease in live loans was distributed unevenly among the territories: because if Teramo with 160 million and Pescara with 157 recorded the most significant drop values, L’Aquila with 71 recorded a decline lighter. With Chieti where the best result emerges (36 million euros) thanks to the increase obtained in the industrial sector in medium and large companies.

«It is clear that in this condition – comments the regional director of CNA Artigiani Entrepreneurs of Italy Abruzzo, Silvio Calice – public support for businesses in our territory, from the Region, becomes an element not only of growth, but also of survival. In this sense, a few weeks ago, the release by the Department of Productive Activities of funds dedicated to supporting the guarantee through consortiums for bank loans was good news: because there is still a lot to do in this sense. And we also consider positive the Region’s establishment of a specific observatory, dedicated to credit trends, capable of monitoring flows and proposing solutions”.

The picture offered by the study on credit, however, says that for the Abruzzo business world, in the same first half of the year, others were added to the credit alarm. In fact, between January and June, companies recorded a decline of 238 units, with a percentage decrease of 0.16% in contrast with the national figure which instead marked an increase of 0.31%. While exports, which also recorded an increase of 106 million, are far worse than those of the first quarter of 2024.

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