Home » today » Technology » Business and working life, Nettavisen | Miserable figures for the Plantation – forced to save 100 million

Business and working life, Nettavisen | Miserable figures for the Plantation – forced to save 100 million

(The online newspaper): On Monday, the Swedish listed private equity company Ratos, which owns Plantasjen, will present fresh figures for the 4th quarter of 2022.

It shows a decrease in operating profit of 2.0 per cent from the same quarter in 2021.

It is Plantasjen in particular that is pulling down, with a ten percent drop in organic sales.

The operating profit before write-downs is minus SEK 189 million. This is due to increased electricity prices, lower sales and increased logistics costs.

On a severe diet

It is stated in the quarterly report that the company is forced to save SEK 100 million.

– The 100 million applies to the Consumer group in general in Ratos. The savings measures in Plantasjen were carried out in 2022, says CEO of Plantasjen, Jesper Lien, to Nettavisen.

The plantation has 128 stores in Norway, Sweden and Finland. – and approximately 2,400 employees. 73 of the stores are in Norway, 43 in Sweden and 12 in Finland.

There are two stores in Larvik. One on Øya and one along Stavernsveien.

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– No one loses their job

– Will some employees lose their jobs?

– No, there are no planned cutbacks in the stores, but this autumn we have carried out cost cuts in Plantasjen to compensate for the rising energy prices and inflation, says Lien.

– What are the concrete, essential figures for Plantasjen in the 4th quarter result for Ratos?

– We are not able to share specific figures for Plantasjen for the 4th quarter, but sales and earnings were as expected.

No one must close

– Will some stores have to close down?

– No, no closures are planned as a result of the changed market situation, says Lien to Nettavisen.

In 2016, Plantasjen was acquired by Ratos, which owns and develops Nordic enterprises.

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