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Bus Accident on Solo-Ngawi Toll Road: 10 Injured, 2 Dead, Ambulance Crews Handle Victims

SOLOPOS.COM – A joint team of ambulance crews from PSC 119 Sukowati, PMI, Lazis-NU handled victims of an overturned bus accident on the Solo-Ngawi toll road, precisely at km 554A Kedunggalar, Ngawi, East Java, Sunday (4/2/2024) afternoon . (Special/PSC 119 Sukowati Sragen)

Solopos.com, SRAGEN—The bus that overturned on the Solo-Ngawi toll road, precisely at km 554 A, Kedunggalar, Ngawi Regency, East Javaresulting in 10 victims being injured and two of them dying, Sunday (4/2/2024).

The victims were handled by the Sragen joint ambulance team. The four victims who were originally rushed to RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen was transferred to RSUD in Ngawi on Sunday afternoon. Other victims were evacuated to RSUD dr. Soeroto Ngawi.

Moment Solopos.com check with RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen, it turned out that the four victims had been taken to Ngawi Regional Hospital and their treatment was combined with the other bus passengers because they only had minor injuries.

Chairman of PSC 119 Sukowati Sragen, Udayanti Proborini, through the Secretary of PSC 119 Sukowati Sragen Nengah Adnyana Oka Manuaba told reporters that four victims who had been treated at the Sragen Regional Hospital consisted of Mochamad Husen, 25, a resident of Surabaya who suffered abrasions on his right toe and complained of dizziness. ; Erdyk Suwanto, 36, resident of Surabaya, who suffered a torn right hand; Tarsianus Mariyono, 33, resident of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), experienced dizziness and left shoulder pain; and Veri Enda Setyawan, 36, a resident of Mojokerto, East Java, suffered abrasions on the elbow and fingers of his right hand.

“The bus rollover accident occurred at 06.20 WIB. The total number of victims handled by the Sragen joint ambulance team was 10 people and two of them died. The other six victims were handled by Ngawi Regional Hospital. “The two victims who died were caused by serious head injuries and open hand fractures, among other serious injuries,” he explained.

Oka, his nickname, said that initially there was a call from call center JSN toll road which notifies that there is an accident that requires ambulance assistance. He said PSC 119 Sukowati immediately followed up on the information by coordinating with ambulances in Sragen and going straight to the scene.

Upon arrival at the location, the joint ambulance team coordinated with the toll road. There were four victims with minor injuries who were evacuated to Sragen Regional Hospital and other victims were taken to dr. Soeroto Ngawi.

“Before evacuating, the team carried out first aid. “Then the four victims who were originally at the Sragen Regional Hospital were put together with the bus group at the Widodo Ngawi Regional Hospital,” he explained.

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2024-02-04 11:07:17

#Sragen #Ambulance #Joint #Team #Handles #Victims #Overturned #Bus #Ngawi

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