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Burning Man: Organizers Close Roads Amidst Media Exaggerations

Photo: PAUL REDER / Reuters / NTB

The organizer of Burning Man in Nevada has closed the road and is asking tens of thousands of guests to save on food, water and gas.

Published: 03/09/2023 17:07

Updated: 03/09/2023 20:45

But the media reports are exaggerations written by people who have not been there and who do not understand Burning Man’s culture, says Norwegian-born Thor Halvorssen Mendoza. He organizes the annual conference Oslo Freedom Forum every year.

– Writing about chaos and a state of emergency and that everyone is having a bad time sells many more newspapers than writing “it’s raining, but they’re still dancing”, says Halvorssen to Aftenposten.

Thor Halvorssen Mendoza spent a week at Burning Man, and says that the weather has never been so good. Here from one of the sunny days. Photo: Darlann Costa @darlanncosta

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Nevertheless, there is a bit of a Woodstock feel to the videos and photos that are leaking out from the festival in Black Rock City in Nevada: Rain. Smooth, deep mud. Cars that have gotten stuck. In addition, a death is being investigated. On Saturday, the Pershing County Sheriff’s Office said they are investigating a death that was discovered after the worst of the rain. No further information was provided.

Thor Halvorssen and his friends left Black Rock City on Saturday, after seven days at the festival. “Seven wonderful days,” he emphasizes. The rain had been so heavy that the group understood that it might be difficult to get out on Monday, when they had actually intended to leave. Thus:

– We packed up our camp, covered our shoes with garbage bags, secured the bags with tape, and started walking. A bit like being on a Norwegian fishing trip. After 45 minutes we reached the road. There a bus drove us to Reno. Getting out has never been faster. We usually travel by plane, and then there is usually a bit of a wait.

– What happened when you came to Reno?

– Then we returned to the internet and saw the reports from, for example, Reuters and the New York Times. We thought: What on earth is this? They haven’t even been there, says Halvorssen, who has been at Burning Man since 2010. He says that the weather has never been better. Not too hot, not too cold, and the rain helped keep the dust from being as bad as it usually is.

– Nobody panicked

The Burning Man festival has been held since 1991 in Black Rock City in northwestern Nevada. The event has both art and music on the programme, and the audience comes there knowing that they have to be self-sufficient for most things. Full steam ahead for over a week, but afterwards it should hardly be shown that there have been people there.

Halvorssen does not call it a festival or a party.

– It is a city. With streets, theatre, bars, food service and everything possible. There are all kinds of people there. And no one panicked. Everyone helped each other. “Do you need internet? Here. Are you hungry? Here.” You should go there next year to experience it, he says.

This year’s edition started on 27 August and will last until Monday 4 September, and has encountered major problems. CNN writes that 70,000 people were expected at this year’s Burning Man, but it is unknown how many have done as Thor Halvorssen and his friends did – left the area.

A satellite image of parts of the Burning Man area taken earlier in the week, before the weather got really bad. Photo: MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES, Reuters / NTB

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“Don’t travel”

Storms full of rain have flooded the festival grounds, and the combination of rain and desert sand has made moving very challenging. Many people pulled plastic bags over their shoes to save them and to keep them dry.

The only way in and out of the area is closed.

“Do not travel to Black Rock City. The road is closed for the remainder of the event. You will be asked to turn around,” the organizers write on X/Twitter.

In the same message, they ask festival participants to ration food, water and petrol, and to seek shelter in warm, safe places.

Thor Halvorssen Mendoza and his partner Darlann Costa at Burning Man. Halvorssen Mendoza describes the media reports from Nevada as exaggerations. Photo: Darlann Costa @darlanncosta

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On Saturday, there was even a rumor that the festival area was affected by an Ebola outbreak. The rumor was quickly fact-checked dead, but still: For many, Burning Man is not a big party.

– You step in mud up to your ankles. It is inevitable. It is inside the cars, and those who have tried to cycle through it have gotten stuck, says first-time traveler Hannah Burhorn to CNN.

Chris Rock got out

But some get out. The artist, DJ and producer Diplo writes on X/Twitter that he and actor and stand-up comedian Chris Rock have evacuated.

“Just walked eight kilometers through the mud with Chris Rock and a fan picked us up”.

Just leaving the bike in Black Rock City. Photo: PAUL REDER / Reuters / NTB

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The Reno newspaper Gazette naturally follows developments closely, and quotes the organizer that it may be possible to drive out of the area on Monday afternoon.

– We know that this is a place where we have to take everything we need to survive. That is why we are well prepared for weather conditions like this, they say. It is supported by Thor Halvorssen Mendoza:

– One of the 10 principles of Burning Man is that you should fend for yourself. You protect yourself and rely on yourself in harsh weather. You take care of your breathing with a mask, your eyes with glasses and your health with being properly hydrated. And you also have to be sensible and smart, he says.

2023-09-03 18:45:47
#Mud #chaos #Ebola #rumors #celebrity #evacuation #desert #festival #Nevada #trouble

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