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BURGUNDY: Reactions to Joe Biden’s election in the United States

In Burgundy too, the election of the President of the United States of America was closely followed. Republicans like Gilles Platret are very discreet on the subject while socialists like François Rebsamen salute the victory of the Democratic pair formed by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The American electoral system was rich in suspense but Democrat Joe Biden was finally declared president-elect this Saturday, November 7, 2020. If Donald Trump shows his desire to prolong the duel in the legal field, several Republican figures congratulated the 46th president on the federal state.

Here is a selection of comments from Burgundian personalities posted on the social network Twitter.

“Defeat of populism, return of hope” according to Fabien Bazin

Between two promotions, the Burgundian entrepreneur Arnaud Montebourg reacted soberly by thanking the two winners: “Thanks Joe! Thanks Kamala ”.

LR deputy for Yonne, Guillaume Larrivée, speaks with the tips of his fingers, writing a “very fair” about a comment by Frédéric Lefebvre on Donald Trump’s ability to mobilize as well as on “the division of Americans and the gap between the elites and the people ”.

The PRG-Center Gauche regional councilor Patrick Molinoz is barely more verbose: “Biden elected! Lots of work ahead of him. The USA is finding its way back to a decent presidency that the Left Radical Party called for ”.

Technophile Fabien Bazin, PS mayor of Lormes in Nièvre, is enthusiastic: “What a pleasure to find joy in the United States with the victory of the progressive camp! Defeat of populism, return of hope ”.

In the eyes of Mayor MoDem d’Autun, this is “a victory tonight for all elected Democrats – including those of the Democratic Movement!” – who everywhere in the world defend democratic ideals and fight populism, conservatism, racism and obscurantism ”.

“The fight against global warming has found a major partner” according to François Rebsamen

President of the Federation of Green and Green Elected Officials (FEVE), Catherine Hervieu gives a “phew” of relief. The elected opposition member of the Dijon municipal council is thinking of “the return of the Paris climate agreement on the international scene. One of the major conditions for applying it in the face of very, very numerous obstacles ”.

Dijon PS mayor François Rebsamen says he is “happy with the defeat of populism and the victory of Joe Biden”. He chooses an environmental angle by seeing there “a hope of progressivism, equality and solidarity for Americans. The USA will soon be back in the Paris Agreement: the fight against global warming has found a major partner! ”. And to add: “Congratulations to Kamala Harris, first woman to accede to the Vice-Presidency”.

Yolaine de Courson, MP for Côte-d’Or who worked for Écologie Démocratie Solidarité, sees this election as “good news for the climate” because of Joe Biden’s announcement to join the Paris Agreement that Donald Trump had quits.

“Avoiding French-style Trumpism” in the eyes of Ludovic Rochette

Member of the Republicans and president of AMF 21, Ludovic Rochette hails the “victory of Joe Biden” then invites you to be wary of populism: “Even if the United States is not France, we must learn the lessons of the campaign , the vote and the aftermath in order to avoid French-style Trumpism. Now the US must fight its fractures. U.S. too”.

LREM MP for Côte-d’Or Fadila Khattabi chooses English to react with a reference to the clash that had taken place between Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron: “Congratulations Mr President. The task will be hard but we trust you to make our planet great again ”. In other words: “congratulations Mr. President. The task will be tough, but we trust you to make our planet great ”.

After relaying Emmanuel Macron’s message, the LREM deputy for Côte-d’Or Didier Paris is full of hopes: “Joe Biden’s victory finally leaves us to hope for a more responsible America in terms of climate change, more united in the fight against Covid, less belligerent on the commercial level ”. LREM senator from Côte-d’Or, François Patriat will crack a laconic “Congratulations Joe Biden!”. LREM MEP Jérémy Decerle just as soberly addresses his “congratulations to Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States!”

On the side of the two other senators from the Côte-d’Or, the Republican Alain Houpert remains silent while the centrist Anne-Catherine Loisier is content to relay an article presenting the new vice-president Kamala Harris.

Nathalie Koenders is “happy to see a woman, Kamala Harris, for the first time Vice-President”

PS regional advisor, Françoise Tenenbaum takes care of health issues and thinks of Americans affected by the coronavirus, which the new president will have to take care of: “Bravo to Biden! Congratulations to Joe Biden, he will take care of americans suffering of coronavirus ”.

With this election, the regional councilor PS Franck Charlier hopes to be able to breathe an air less loaded with CO2: “All people must be able to choose their leaders, without the others getting involved. But there are days when we breathe better! And the “we” begins with our planet and the return of the USA to the Paris Agreements. Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for this victory ”.

Faced with the suspense, the PS senator of Saône-et-Loire Jérôme Durain invites to keep the faith: “Keep the faith! We had to believe until the end in this victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Beyond domestic issues, it is time for the United States to regain its place on planetary issues ”.

For the socialist Nathalie Koenders, first deputy mayor of Dijon, this is “a victory synonymous with an America that is more ecological, more united, more respectful of women and minorities. Hopefully Joe Biden will appease this American society under strain ”. The Dijonnaise says she is “happy to see a woman, Kamala Harris, for the first time Vice-President”.

Among the Dijon municipal councilors, the socialist Hamid El Hassouni summarizes his reaction in a “YES!” in capital letters. Another very condensed reaction for the same camp, that of Delphine Blaya: “It’s done. Well done”.

For the elected Modem within the municipal majority in Dijon Danielle Juban, it is a “long awaited victory”: “Joe Biden at the head of the United States and the vice president is very good news for democracy, to find a balanced public speech ”.

Municipal councilor of Dijon and member of the Radical Social and Liberal Movement, Jean-Philippe Morel hails “America [qui] is back, the one who respects the law, its values ​​and its institutions, which does not destabilize its alliances, which takes its share of responsibility for sustainable development! With which Europe and France can build stable cooperation! ”

“What about the taxes imposed by Trump, the WTO?” asks Arnaud Danjean

Among the rare Republicans to react, the MEP Arnaud Danjean, specialist in international relations, shows his distance: “the legitimate relief in the face of the result of the US presidential election must not make us forget neither the extreme polarization of the first world power nor the question marks for the transatlantic relationship (trade, extraterritorial law, defense priorities, China, etc.) ”.

Le Bressan shower the enthusiasts: “In this regard, those who rush to greet, euphoric, the” end of a parenthesis “may have a difficult awakening. To imagine that the end of Trump means the return of a fantasized golden age of the transatlantic link is to ignore the evolution of the US and the international context ”. And to add: “the first major test of the new positive dispositions of a Biden administration vis-à-vis Europe will be less on the climate (evidence) or foreign policy (attachment in principle to multilateralism) than on the trade: what about the taxes imposed by Trump, the WTO? “

“It is the ultra-liberal wing of the Democratic Party which wins” according to Arnaud Guvenatam

The former Dijonnais Laurent Grandguillaume notes that “the United States will be back in dialogue with the nations and this is good news for the world faced with the triple ecological, social and economic challenge. A great lesson in democratic mobilization to change the order of things ”.

Support of Democrat Bernie Sanders, who is a leftist next to Joe Biden, the rebellious Arnaud Guvenantam notes without enthusiasm that “the page Donald Trump is finally turned, but with a score of a solidity that should put everyone in alert”. The Dijonnais nevertheless expresses a wish for the American people: “that the tensions decrease in the company. For the rest, the ultra-liberal wing of the Democratic Party wins ”.

Quickly drawing a comment, Sylvain Comparot, president of the Dijon Avenir Ensemble movement, said he was “very happy with the victory of Joe Biden”. The support of Emmanuel Macron considers that “after the Trump years the USA are back. And since good news never comes alone, Kamala Harris becomes the first woman elected Vice President of the United States ”.

“I hope he will quickly come back to the wine tax” declares François Sauvadet

Among the first to react, the UDI François Sauvadet addresses his “congratulations” to Joe Biden. The president of the departmental council of Côte-d’Or thinks of the winegrowers: “I hope that he will quickly come back to the wine tax decided by his predecessor and which put French viticulture in difficulty!”

The LR mayor of Chalon-sur-Saône, Gilles Platret, chooses before the result of the American election to focus on the French calendar, he who is a candidate in the regional elections whose date is still not confirmed: “What whatever the result of the American election, it will have testified to one thing with its very strong participation: a democracy that wants it is stronger than the Covid. Morality: let’s keep the French electoral calendar! ”

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

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