13.10.2023 – 14:30
Freiburg Police Headquarters
Freiburg (ots)
Unknown perpetrators broke into the apartment of an apartment building on Erwinstrasse in Freiburg on Friday, October 13, 2023, between 3 and 4:30 a.m.
According to current findings, the burglars accessed a balcony on the first floor of the apartment building via scaffolding. There they forced open the locked shutter and entered the apartment through the balcony door.
They then ransacked the premises and stole valuables and cash. It is currently unclear whether further stolen goods were obtained.
The Freiburg criminal police (Tel.: 0761/882-2880) have started the investigation and are looking for witnesses who have made suspicious observations or who can provide information about the perpetrators.
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Freiburg Police Headquarters
Public Relations Department
Bissierstrasse 1 – 79114 Freiburg
Sascha Bäuerle
Tel.: +49 761 882-1014
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Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
#POLFR #Freiburg #Breisgau #Burglary #apartment #building #witnesses #wanted