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BürgerStiftung Region Ahrensburg invites you – 15 events in autumn 2024

Dr. Michael Eckstein with the event dates (Photo: BürgerStiftung Region Ahrensburg)

15 events: Information evenings in Ahrensburg and Bargteheide and the AKTIV LEBEN trade fair


The BürgerStiftung Region Ahrensburg invites citizens to 15 information events in autumn 2024. Participation is free of charge.

Dr. Michael Eckstein, Chairman of the Citizens’ Foundation: “The great response to our events shows the great need of citizens to find out about important topics through personal exchange. We are pleased that we have been able to attract proven experts from the region to do this.” The events at a glance:

29.08.2024 Inheritance law and wills
Lawyer and notary Stefan Dehns: The design options and how to use them so that the estate ends up “in the right place”.

05.09.2024 Inheritance tax – what you need to know
Tax consultant Uwe Schempp and lawyer Maraike Lehnhoff: The legal regulations and the structuring options of tax law.

12.09.2024 Establish your own foundation easily and free of charge
Dr. Michael Eckstein, Dr. Horst Jurkschat and Carmen Lau: How everyone can permanently support charitable purposes in the region with a foundation under the umbrella of the BürgerStiftung.

19.09.2024 Real Estate – What buyers and sellers should know
Monika Beckmann and Anna-Katharina Theurer: The important steps up to the appointment with the notary and the effects of the energetic condition of the building.

25.09.2024 Student exchange – The year abroad during school time
Dr. Michael Eckstein: Insider information for families who are planning a year abroad for their children in 2025/2026.

26.09.2024 Patient directive and power of attorney
Lawyer and notary Stefan Dehns: The legal options and what you should not do.

08.10.2024 Inheritance law and wills
Lawyer and notary Stefan Dehns: The design options and how to use them so that the estate ends up “in the right place”.

10.10.2024 Healthy, mobile and independent in old age
Dr. Robert Wegner: The possibilities with which everyone can positively influence their own health at any age.

17.10.2024: Transferring your own property within the family
Lawyer and notary Jessica Preuße: How you can live in your own property for a long time and at the same time prepare the transition to the next generation.

24.10.2024 Inheritance tax – what you need to know
Tax consultant Uwe Schempp and lawyer Maraike Lehnhoff: The legal regulations and the structuring options of tax law.

14.11.2024 Inheritance law and wills
Lawyer and notary Stefan Dehns: The design options and how to use them so that the estate ends up “in the right place”.

16.11.2024 ACTIVE LIVING trade fair
Exhibition and lectures: suggestions and ideas for everything that interests people of the 55+ generation. Admission is free. Registration is not required.

21.11.2024 Ahrensburg Inheritance Law Day
Make proper financial provisions – wealth planning and transfer beyond your own time.

28.11.2024 Patient directive and power of attorney
Lawyer and notary Dr. Horst Jurkschat: The legal options and what you should not do.

05.12.2024 Inheritance law and wills
Lawyer and notary Stefan Dehns: The design options and how to use them so that the estate ends up “in the right place”.

Further information on the individual events: www.buergerstiftung-region-ahrensburg.de. Participation in the information evenings is free of charge after confirmed registration. Donations for the charitable activities of the BürgerStiftung are requested. The number of places is limited. Registrations on the Website of the Citizens Foundation:

Text: BürgerStiftung Region Ahrensburg / Editorial staff

All dates in the event calendar for the region


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