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Burger King gives their cows a ‘Mexican’ diet to pollute less

The Mexican scientists contributed to elaborate the formula of the grass with which the cows are fed.



With Mexican Aid, Burger King just Modify the diet of some of their cows for what emit less gas, aggregate the hierba Cymbopogon, in a tried by limit the contributions of the cattle al climate change.

He change in the diet can reduce daily emissions of methane in 33%assured today Burger King.

Emission of methane, a by-product of bovine digestion, has become a potential obstacle to public relations for large hamburger chains.

Burger King presented their Whopper with beef that reduced their methane emissions at select restaurants in Miami, NY, Austin, Portland and Los Angeles.

Greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector made up 9.9% of total U.S. emissions in 2018, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Of that total, methane emissions from livestock (so-called enteric fermentation) constituted more than a quarter of emissions from the agricultural sector.

With a thunderous social media campaign that ranges from vulgarity to science (with an addition of more vulgarity), Burger King bets on growing awareness of climate change and its responsibility to limit its own role.

According to a recent poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, two out of three Americans say that companies have a responsibility to fight climate change.

Potential customers are also reducing their meat intake for both environmental and health reasons.

‘Green’ war

Burger King and rival McDonald’s have added meat alternatives to their menus.

Two years ago, McDonald’s said it was taking steps to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. He modified the meat production for his Big Mac and Quarter Pound. The company said at the time that it expected to prevent the emission of 150 million tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere by 2030.

Burger King, with the collaboration of scientists from the Autonomous Mexico State University And from the University of California at Davis, he tested and developed his formula of adding 100 grams of the herb, known for its lemony scent, to the daily diet of his cows.

Preliminary tests indicate that the leaves of lemongrass help cows release less methane by digesting their feed.


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