Home » News » Burgazliya went blind in one eye after a fierce fight for a parking space in the residential area. Slaveykov

Burgazliya went blind in one eye after a fierce fight for a parking space in the residential area. Slaveykov

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The Burgas District Court sentenced the bully to pay BGN 60,000 compensation

Burgazliya was blinded in one eye after a violent fight for a parking space in Slaveykov residential complex. The brutal case is from the beginning of 2019, but it became clear only now, after the decision of the Burgas District Court, condemning the bully to pay BGN 60,000 compensation in the civil case.

The criminal case ended quickly and with an agreement – already in 2019, when the striker with the initials A.S.N. was found guilty and sentenced to 1 year probation with a 3-year probationary period.

Between the covers of the case, it becomes clear that already at the beginning of 2019, the injured T.J., who at that time had a permanent job – a fitter in a subscriber station of “Toplofikatsia Burgas”, got into arguments with his neighbor, who was very annoyed that someone else was pulling up in his place in front of block 76.

On February 5, the injured T.J.Y. stopped his car and about 15 hours poured oil, then started the engine. A few minutes later he extinguished it, but by then it had already attacked him A.S.N., who sought revenge for not only allowing himself to stop at his place, but also disturbing his peaceafter starting the car during his afternoon nap.

The auto mechanic from “Toplofikatsia” did not want to get into arguments and said that he would move the car, but A.S.N. was already out of his skin and literally knocked him out with a strong blow in the area of ​​the left eye. Supposedly he used boxing. After that, he gave him two more blows – in the area of ​​the ear and the beard.

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One of the parking spots in this muddy parking lot is a bone of contention

The victim was immediately taken to UMBAL Burgas, but the doctors were not prepared for such a specific trauma, as he had a left eye sclera tear, retinal detachment and vision loss. He was sent to a specialized hospital in Sofia, where he was miraculously saved from complete blindness.

He was in serious danger of being permanently blind because of the eye connection. The doctors decided to amputate the left eye and placed a special implant and glue to close the retina.

The treatment lasted more than a year, and to this day the victim has difficulty with orientation and balance. It is clear from the documents in the case that he also contracted an immune disease.

He is already with TELK, works on a reduced regime and his girlfriend takes care of his health.

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There is a serious problem with parking in the area, which gives rise to spectacular scandals

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