Researchers assume that people comprehensively assess the presence or absence of disease, functional limitations, and limitation of activities of daily living due to health-related causes.
The question asked “How do you generally rate your health?” is a subjective assessment of individuals with a five-point response scale and refers to health in general and not to the current state of health.
The largest number and relative share of persons in Burgas region who self-define their health as good – 166,565 (48.1%), followed by very good – 90,768 (26.2%), and satisfactory – 58,059 (16.8%). 10,327 and 2,286 people, or 3.0 and 0.7%, rate their health as bad and very bad, respectively. The persons who indicated that they could not determine were 4,736 (1.4%). 13,194, or 3.8% of respondents, answered “I do not wish to answer”.
Self-assessment of health largely depends on the gender and age of individuals. Men are more positive and more often define their health as very good and good (76.7%) compared to women 72.2%).
There is no gender difference in persons who do not wish to answer the question – 3.8% for men and women, respectively. 1.3% of men and 1.5% of women who answered the question cannot define their health.
Age has a significant influence on the given self-assessment of health. For children aged 0-14, the health of 92.5% of boys and 92.9% of girls was rated as very good or good.
As age increases, the number and correspondingly the share of the population with good or very good health decreases, while the number of persons who rate their health as satisfactory, poor and very poor increases.
Among the oldest, aged 65 and over, 47.4% of men and 41.0% of women rate their health as very good and good. It is satisfactory for 37.2% of men and 41.0% of women.
In this age group, the largest share of persons who rate their health as very bad is 1.7% of men and 2.1% of women who answered the voluntary question.
There are significant differences in self-assessment of health depending on the ethnic group to which the enumerated persons are assigned.
Those who identify themselves as Bulgarian are the most critical in their self-assessment of their health. Compared to the rest of the ethnic groups, among them, the share of persons defining their health as good or very good is the smallest (72.5%).
18.4% of self-identified Bulgarians rate their health as satisfactory, and 3.9% as bad or very bad. In this group, the largest shares are those who cannot assess their health (1.5%) or do not wish to answer the question (3.7%).
The most positive are persons from the Roma ethnic group, 89.5% of whom define their health as very good or good.
Compared to the rest of the ethnic groups in the country, the Roma have the lowest shares of persons defining their health as satisfactory (7.3%), bad or very bad (2.3%), as well as the share of those who do not wish to answer the question ( 0.5%). Only 0.3% of Roma cannot assess their health.
The material Burgazlii with a good assessment of their health, Roma the most positive was published for the first time on Novini ot Burgas.