Home » today » Sport » Burčák lovers will see. The grapes are already in the cellars

Burčák lovers will see. The grapes are already in the cellars

“Here in the Kraví hora vineyard in Dolní Dunajovice we have a special variety, ideal for burčáky. It is called Augustovsky and it is characterized by the fact that the Irsai Oliver and Moravian Muscat varieties, which are widely used for early burčáky, ripen earlier than it used, ”said David Šťastný from the company Château Valtice – Vinné sklepy Valtice.

They planted the vineyard among the existing varieties on the hill near the upper Nový Mlýn reservoir in order to have early grapes suitable for burčák.

The broom will be on the weekend

“Original assumptions said that the harvest would start later, but nature is a powerful witch and it prepared a surprise for us. In the last fortnight, everything has ripened rapidly. That is why we were able to start collecting and we will offer visitors the first of this year’s burčák at our weekend, in the Vinařská emergency room in Valtice, “said Šťastný.

The vine has been growing in the vineyard near Dolní Dunajovice for three years. “Last year the harvest was not yet full-fledged, this year we will have a beautiful burčák, I estimate an estimated 1,500 liters,” said Šťastný, for whom this drink is typical for our country and culture as well as pork-dumpling-veal or traditional carp.

The grapes from the vineyard went to the press, because it is best to press them quickly so that they do not get too hot.

The must must then be cooled to the ideal temperature for fermentation, and then all you have to do is wait for the ideal moment of the process of transformation into burčák.

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