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Burak Elmas: The unity of the Clubs Association has been broken

Galatasaray President Burak Elmas makes statements about the agenda.

Headlines from Elmas’ comments:

Our founding philosophy is to beat non-Turkish clubs and Galatasaray never broke away from them. As a result, we are the only club to win a European cup in football. This is not enough, we want to continue this in every branch. Turkish football has hit rock bottom. Those who have the courage, those who don’t sweep problems under the carpet, will be the first clubs to come out of here. With an extremely brave decision, we are making many positive initiatives to get Galatasaray out of financial and moral chaos.”

We have reached the level of 55 million euros from 65 million euros. We want to reach the level of 30-35 million euros. There are seasons where Galatasaray failed by spending 95 million euros. We want to achieve success with the right budget. We go after the hard one. Managers who have done this in the past are now continuing their lives as if nothing had happened. We could have spent money and said, ‘Whoever comes after us pays’. However, this structure is no longer sustainable.

In order to be able to pay the debts to the banks, we also have additional cash generation projects. Our strategy is pretty accurate. In practice, sometimes we do not have the speed we desire. You can also see on the road that you do not share the same ideas with people. We make all the necessary changes. We do not burn the future of Galatasaray for the sake of being popular.


“I don’t remember the exact date, but on behalf of the Clubs Union, 3 presidents went to MHK President Serdar Tatlı and applied for 9 referees not to manage the match. Most of these referees are among those who were dismissed. There are 4 more on top of them. Therefore, ‘Whose list?’ I said. This job was dictated to the MHK and TFF without the approval of the Clubs Union. I think the unity of the Clubs Union was disrupted because of these moves and lobbies at that time. There are even lobbyists for the future TFF election. There are lobbyists for lobbying. Lobbying to become TFF President There are those who do. Turkish football suffers the losses of these.”


It bothers me that these 9 referees are not listed. In which match, which team did they make a mistake? Need to examine this. Why did the rest stay, why did those who left go? Did anyone want these referees to leave? Which matches were they sacked for not running well? Have some clubs had a disproportionate desire to appoint referees? While these are happening, change the referee, TFF President, MHK President as much as you want. Only instantaneous public reactions decrease.


A number of clubs are taking advantage of this broken system. They don’t want this broken system to be fixed. We want a working and fair system. We will be successful in such a system. Galatasaray underwent a serious operation during the season. Referees who made serious mistakes during the operation weeks were also excluded from the list. I made a list the other day. I asked which referee was directing the matches of which team and which teams were penalized after their matches. It will be revealed that the referees who make mistakes against certain clubs are penalized and those clubs continue with less referees.

From now on, the struggle between the innovators and the traditionalists will continue more fiercely. In the new world order, we must continue institutionally. We cannot continue with the old mentality. These things do not continue with the logic of ‘the state helps, they don’t ruin the clubs’.


We’ve been operated on, then I’ll say that and file a criminal complaint. Everyone be acquitted! Teams in the relegation zone can also say this.

Trabzonspor put a lot of effort into it. There should be no theft. They are going extremely well. Let’s not confuse these issues. Our problem is lobbies and system problem.


FFP is not just about measuring the loss of clubs. Clubs compete with uninflated revenues. I think there is a problem with that too. Some of our clubs formed teams that they could not build with their income. Then there is no fair competition.

You expand the spending limit of a team, but it competes with you unfairly by borrowing. They are trying to take precautions against this in the world. Clubs where personal capital enters are seriously scrutinized. This is also necessary in Turkey. UEFA’s FFP rules should be applied in every country. However, we closed our eyes to this in Turkey. We have to pass inspection. If controls are relaxed, governments that want to reduce their debt are lynched. In addition, these clubs ask ‘Why can’t you get players?’ comes the question. I don’t want to screw up my club. Punishments need to be brutal now.


Super League Inc. cannot be established with the current Club Union structure. There is a very unfriendly atmosphere. If it continues like this, we will be kicked out of the Club Association.


TFF asked the Association of Clubs about the postponement. Without playing the Barcelona match, ‘Snow is coming, many teams may be victims. We said, ‘The fields will deteriorate and injuries will occur’. Some clubs say, ‘I won’t do it if he wants to’. It would not have had a serious impact on the race. 1st League, 2nd League and 3rd League were postponed but Super League clubs could not come to an agreement. TFF was given a negative response by a majority of votes.


Some clubs are very happy with the referee’s decisions. Some clubs are not. We cannot even agree on this decision taken in the MHK system, which we think does not work.


There is a war of perception among the public for the broadcast tender. The current broadcaster received a tender for 500 million dollars. He got a discount every year. It’s down to $200 million. That organization gets a discount when it can’t pay. Many clubs did not participate in this. You sign for 500 million dollars and you spend accordingly. You give up on the number, but my creditor does not.

The publisher has entered the tender again. There is an implementation problem on the issue of behavior and past bidding. They submitted bids that did not comply with the terms of the tender. They’re down this year. You will do your calculations wrong, but I will pay for it as a club. As Galatasaray, I want this not to be accepted.”


We authorized the TFF for the broadcast tender, and they listened to our views. There will be developments in the coming weeks. Saran group has an offer, in some groups they made the best offer. It will be talked about again for Package 1-A. Clubs, in the contract with the current broadcaster, say, ‘We die every year, now let’s take a radical decision and die once’. There is a common decision.


(Answer to the question ‘Do you plan to exit the broadcast pool and sell your own decoders?) If Turkish football is mismanaged and the value of the broadcast pool drops, anything can be considered. We care very much about Anatolian clubs. However, not 2-3 clubs, each club should take a joint decision. If the corrupt system in Turkish football continues, we will take all kinds of decisions.”

Details coming soon…

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