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Bupyeong 2 plant cut production, seeking a supply and demand plan for GM Korea… Minimal impact

“Maximum recovery from lost production”… Bupyeong 1 and Changwon plants are in normal operation

As the global automobile industry is in an emergency due to a supply-demand disruption in vehicle semiconductors, GM Korea finally decided to operate only half of its Bupyeong 2 plant from the 8th.

On the 4th, GM Korea said, “The purchasing organization integrated into the global purchasing and supply chain is working closely with the current component companies to find plans for the supply and demand of semiconductors by component manufacturers, and to minimize the impact on GM and GM Korea.” Explained.

Bupyeong Plant 2, which produces Chevrolet Malibu and Trax, will operate at half the utilization rate for the time being.

GM Korea explained that due to the liquidity in the supply and demand of parts related to the operation of the Bupyeong 2 plant, it will check the situation every week and establish a production plan for the next week and operate it.

In addition, as soon as it finds a solution to the shortage of semiconductor supply and demand, it plans to recover the production loss at the Bupyeong 2 plant as much as possible.

The Bupyeong Plant 1 and Changwon Plant, which produce trail blazers, are in normal operation.

An official from GM Korea explained, “Currently, we are closely examining the overall impact on this issue, and we are concentrating all our capabilities on continuing to produce high-demand products including sports utility vehicles (SUVs) for our customers.”

Earlier, according to Reuters, GM announced that starting on the 8th, it will completely stop vehicle production in Fairfax, Kansas, Ingersoll, Ontario, and Potosi, San Luis, Mexico, and plans to cut production in Bupyeong 2 plant in half next week.

Autoforcast Solutions, an automobile production predictor, predicts that GM’s total production cuts will reach 10,000 units next week.

As a result of a survey conducted by market research firm IHS Markit, global automobile production in the first quarter is expected to be 672,000 units less than originally expected due to a shortage of semiconductors.

Overall this year, the scale of production cuts is expected to reach 964,000 units.

/yunhap news

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