It took place this morning, in Goodbyethe naming ceremony of the square in front of the premises Carabinieri Station to the deceased chosen corporal Luca Ferraiuolo and the commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of the assassination of General Carlo Alberto Dalla ChiesaThe celebratory day began with the rendering of military honors to the Colonel Philip Melchiorprovincial commander Carabinieri of Salernofollowed by the unveiling of the plaque by the missing soldier’s mother, Maria Stella Russoaccompanied by her husband Giuseppe and from the son Paul Joseph.
The career
The chosen officer Luca Ferraiuolowho enlisted in the Carabinieri in 2004, first served in the province of Powerat the command of the regional capital station as well as Balvano e Picernoto then be transferred to Naples Capodimonte where on 19 May 2009 he was promoted to the rank of Selected Carabiniere. Subsequently assigned to the Carabinieri Station of Bellosguardoup to the rank of corporal, on 19 January 2015 he was transferred to the Buonabitacolo Carabinieri Station command where, from Selected Appointedremained in force until November 25, 2020, the date of his death following a serious illness.
The awards
During his career he was awarded the “Bronze Medal of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George“, “Honorary Award from the Department of Civil Protection“, “Silver Cross for 16 years of Service” ed Simple Commendation granted by the Commander of the Campania Carabinieri Legion because: “as a detached station employee, demonstrating considerable professionalism, a high sense of duty and a keen investigative acumen, he provided a decisive contribution to the investigation aimed at identifying the perpetrator of a brutal murder. The operation concluded with the arrest of the material perpetrator of the crime“.
#Buonabitacolo #square #named #carabiniere #Ferraiuolo
– 2024-09-03 14:37:09