Home » today » Business » Bundestag election – The election campaign begins slowly: Candidates for the Dortmund constituency 142 and 143 of the SPD

Bundestag election – The election campaign begins slowly: Candidates for the Dortmund constituency 142 and 143 of the SPD

Can the SPD keep constituency 142 in the federal election?
There are concerned voices in the party who believe the constituency may be lost!
The alarm bells give a high-pitched signal! The comrades in constituency 142 wonder how many votes the ex-comrade could get.
Then there is the party that can barely run with strength – the Greens – they are also in the running.
What is left for the socialist candidate?
Internal voices in the SPD believe that it would be possible to win back former regular voters. Just how many regular voters would have to be won back? How can this feat succeed?
The loss of direct mandates from the SPD in the district then becomes a heavy mortgage for the upcoming state elections! If direct mandates are lost in the district, the state elections are also in danger!
With an election program ala department store catalog, as with the Komm. Wahl, it should not work.
An opinion from the divisions of the SPD: There is a chance in constituencies 142 and 143 to win 110,000 second votes. Just how is not said.
With which topics can the socis prove their credibility? Maybe with political celebrities from Berlin, for example: Hubertus Heil!
The opposition leader in the NRW state parliament, on the other hand, is not a shining light for the federal election campaign.
Which political heavyweights could the citizens of Dortmund be offered in the election campaign?
The party and the subdistrict board failed to process the election defeats of the last few years and to draw the appropriate back keys from them.
The majority of the party is demotivated. The constituency 142 is on the brink for the comrades, unless one can subtract votes from black and green.

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