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BUMN20 IDX Index: KAEF, SMBR, ANTM, TINS, BJBR Champion Shares! BBRI & TLKM?

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – The BUMN stock index, IDX BUMN20 again made a neat report card on Monday (23/11/2020) today. IDX BUMN20 closed up 3.1 percent to a price position of 358.48.

This record is classified as above average, especially when considering that at the same time the JCI only strengthened 1.46 percent to the position of 5,652.76. The increase of IDX BUMN20 also surpassed several other indexes, such as LQ45 which only rose 1.9 percent to 901.66.

IDX BUMN20 is a collection of state company issuers or their subsidiaries. This index is filled with the most liquid BUMN family companies.

This phenomenon is actually not surprising. In retrospect, since early November this BUMN20 has indeed looked strong. This total index has increased 22.9 percent from the initial position of 291.66.

This increase was again higher than the JCI and LQ45. So far, both of them have only recorded a gain of 10.5 percent and 14.3 percent. For the record, BUMN20 is an index that measures the price performance of 20 selected shares of BUMN, BUMD and their affiliates.

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