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Bulls vote for BAE Systems – Boeing beaten ()

BAE Systems ranks 8th in the stock check after Palantir. Measured by the P/E ratio and EV/Sales ratio, the stock is valued at a similarly low price to the winning stocks Airbus, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. However, the participants in the stock check are somewhat more bullish on the British. However, nobody needs Boeing stock – to put it bluntly.

The race is tight. Not only in terms of qualitative company assessment, but also when it comes to valuation. The wikifolio community is and remains bullish on defense stocks. BAE Systems is a little more convincing than the rest – but it is questionable how much can be interpreted into this narrow victory.

Especially since the share is currently included in only 107 investable wikifolios and is therefore underrepresented compared to the competition. At least the sentiment is positive. The majority of buyers bought it on both a monthly and annual basis.

BAE Systems is also involved in Global Defense and Securitythe wikifolio of Asset manager of Oberbanscheidt & CieMarco Jansen reveals why the British are interesting: “In our wikifolio, we are fans of one-stop-shop solutions, i.e. providers who generate their income by providing fully equipped platforms for air, sea and land purposes. Since Great Britain in particular will be keen to keep orders in its own country after Brexit, BAE Systems is one of the largest positions in the wikifolio.”

More bears is not possible

On the other side of the spectrum is BoeingThe stock is and remains a “no-go” for the participants in the stock check. Since the company is losing customers in droves after the series of mishaps and it is questionable whether and when it will be able to leave the loss zone, the mood on wikifolio.com is also rather negative. On a monthly basis, sellers are in the majority. The stock currently only seems to be something for traders who are speculating on a short-term rebound in the stock or are hoping for an end to the negative news series. But the bottom line is that there are certainly better investments in the defense industry than the faltering Boeing.

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