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Bullet “bounces” on breast implant; woman survives shooting Abroad

According to various media, the woman was walking down the street when she suddenly felt a sharp pain and some kind of heat in her chest and saw that she was bleeding. She turned out to have a gunshot wound.

She was then treated in a clinic where the implants were removed. According to the treating physicians, there is no doubt that the implant in the left breast saved the woman. The bullet trajectory is clearly visible, but the bullet was not found in it. It turned out to be in the right implant, which had been turned upside down by the impact. The woman was left with only a broken rib. This happened in 2018.

According to Dr. Giancarlo McEvenue, who published the case in the medical journal in recent days SAGE Journals, the patient was remarkably cheerful. “She only had an entrance wound in the left chest.” Without the implant, the bullet would have hit her heart, he concluded. “The implant more than likely saved her life.”

The bullet was handed over to the police for further investigation. The shooter is still a fugitive.

There are reportedly only five cases where breast implants have repelled bullets. In three cases, this would have saved the victim’s life. And so, Dr. McEvenue concludes, “Breast implants can indeed save lives.”

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