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Bulgarians in the States mourn: The legendary Bai Donko has passed away

He is the founder of the celebration of May 24 in Seattle, the founder of the Bulgarian cause on the West Bank

One of the founders of the Bulgarian association in Seattle, Donko Draganov, has died. The news was announced by the website of the Bulgarians in California BulgariCA. Bai Donko, as he is known there, passed away on February 20 in Seattle at the age of 80.

He will be remembered as one of the founders of the Bulgarian cause on the West Coast of the United States of America, a person who helped many Bulgarians, the publication writes.

“He was a cashier (treasurer), he always had money for holidays, even for lambs every year in the month of May. He’s always, always been doing something, anytime for as long as I can remember, since the 90s. Big man. A great Bulgarian,” our compatriot Angel Slavov Yordanov told BulgariCA.

“Great guy. I have known him since the first day since I have been in this city, for thirty years”, shares another Bulgarian in Washington – Ivaylo Yonev.

After his death, Donko Draganov left a wife, two sons and grandchildren. One of his sons operated the helicopter of US President (2009–2017) Barack Obama.

Donko Draganov arrived in the USA at the end of the 1960s, together with his friend Iliya Milanov. He received his invitation and visa to stay in the country from the Bulgarian Angel Slavov Yordanov, who still lives there today.

“While he was studying at the Construction Technical College and wanted to run away with a friend Iliya Dimov Milanov, I gave them instructions on the route to Italy, flights, borders, how to navigate in the dark, what to say to the locals and if they get caught. I am sorry to hear that he has passed away… We were visiting two or three months ago. He was very content and happy with his children. We are the old generation, we enjoy children, heirs, I have a daughter and two sons,” concludes Angel Yordanov from Phoenix.

“We are saddened to learn that our beloved Bai Donko died yesterday (February 20)!

Bai Donko is from the “old” emigration and from the Bulgarians who did not refuse help to anyone.

When I moved to Seattle I met him on my first May 24th here. He is the founder of this tradition in Seattle, and every time in his honor we gather in the same park, next to Lake Sammamish, on the occasion of the Day of the Bulgarian alphabet and enlightenment.

The service will be on Saturday, February 25, at 1 pm at his home:

16961 SE 149th st
Renton WA 97059

Salute, great Bulgarians!”, write the editors of eurochicago.com.

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1 thought on “Bulgarians in the States mourn: The legendary Bai Donko has passed away”

  1. Uncle Donko (chicho Donko) is how I will always remember Bai Donko. He was the sponsor for my family to immigrate in 1998. Without him to give us an affidavit of support, we would not have been able to secure green cards. Chicho Donko did not know us and hadn’t seen us (not even a picture) until we showed up at the airport with nothing but two suitcases each and $2,000 in our pocket, not knowing anyone, and not knowing English. Chicho Donko and his family welcomed us in their home until he was able to find us an apartment to rent, buy a beat up old car and connect us with people who donated to us furniture, dishes, beds and bedding. Chicho Donko let my dad help him at the construction side until he was able to find a job. And he was with us always after, for the good and bad, for the celebrations and hard times, with his kindness and resourcefulness, always positive. We are so very grateful to Chicho Donko and his family! Our deepest condolences and prayers will be with you always.
    Panaiot, Nadia and Polia


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