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Bulgarian scientists are about to find a cure for COVID

Bulgarian scientists, under the leadership of Prof. Leander Litov, are developing Bulgarian drugs against COVID-19. Kadar Nova TV

They are led by Prof. Leander Litov

Bulgarian scientists, under the leadership of Prof. Leander Litov, are developing Bulgarian drugs against COVID-19, Nova TV reported. They are 25 people from several institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Sofia University. The research is still in its infancy, but the team is hopeful that we can make a significant global contribution to the fight against the insidious virus.

“Observations show that so far the cells are developing very well. These are the ones on which we will conduct experiments related to the coronavirus and the mechanism by which it interacts with various proteins in the human body, “explained the molecular biologist Ch. Assistant Professor Dr. Elena Krachmarova.

Since May last year, Bulgarian scientists have been working hard on the COVID-19 mystery. The project for drugs against the virus is in experienced hands – headed by Prof. Leander Litov, who is also the leader of the team of Bulgarian scientists at a distant CERN, where for years the divine particle was sought.

“The truth is that at the moment humanity has managed to create several drugs in total against viruses,” explained Prof. Litov.

And none against coronavirus. “This is a very difficult task, but we are still optimistic that we have a chance to succeed,” he added.

The project is working on two drugs. One is for a very early stage, even when infected.

“The first drug attacks the virus. That is – its proteins inside the cell and allows it to include the immune response in full force, which it will fight on its own. The cell knows better how to fight this virus. The second drug is already for the second stage, when we already have a severe course. When there is practically no virus in the body and this is related to the development of a cytokine storm “, explained Prof. Litov.

A cytokine storm is a condition in which our immune system is so confused by the virus that it attacks ourselves. Now, the drug in question is given in the form of injections against blood clotting, at a very advanced stage of COVID-19. Scientists say that it should be given from the very beginning.

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