Home » today » News » Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov Stresses Importance of Supporting Ukraine to Prevent Russian Victory: National Interest and Political Challenges Discussed in Interview with FAC

Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov Stresses Importance of Supporting Ukraine to Prevent Russian Victory: National Interest and Political Challenges Discussed in Interview with FAC

“For our government, it is of particular importance to support Ukraine in order to restore the pre-war order,” Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov stated in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAC). Denkov points out that precisely this position is maintained through arms deliveries and the provision of humanitarian aid. He points out that not only the Bulgarian president, but also some opposition leaders claim that the best way to peace is not to supply weapons to Ukraine. “But it is obvious that in such a case Russia would win the war”, emphasizes the Bulgarian Prime Minister in the interview given to Michael Martens from the FAC.

What is the national interest of Bulgaria?

It is clear from the statements of Russian politicians that Russia will then plan other invasions, says Denkov. It is easy to understand what great risks would arise from this for Bulgaria. “Russia’s victory in Ukraine is not in Bulgaria’s national interest,” Denkov points out. In the interview, the Prime Minister also explains how he personally understands Bulgaria’s interests: “They consist in everyone recognizing international law and no one attacking a neighboring country with tanks and troops.”

He reminded the FAC that in the summer of 2023, Bulgaria promised to deliver 100 tanks to Ukraine, but this never happened. The explanation: the parliamentary decision to transport the tanks was made only in December. Now, however, the Prime Minister indicates a specific deadline for delivery: within 15 days.

Nikolay Denkov states that Bulgaria is an important supplier of ammunition to Ukraine, but for months the factories have been working at the limit of their capacity. According to him, the capacity was increased as much as possible for the short time available to the country. However, he points out that there are problems with the procurement of some raw materials, which affect not only Bulgaria, but the whole of Europe.

In response to Michael Martens’ question whether the Bulgarian arms factories are threatened by Russian attacks, Denkov replied that he was careful about possible Russian interventions, as there have already been in the past. “Over the years, there have been several bomb attacks, some of which were linked to Russian agents,” the prime minister recalled and emphasized that in the meantime, measures had been taken to significantly increase the security of the factories.

Gabriel – prime minister, Denkov – foreign minister?

Before the FAC, the Bulgarian Prime Minister spoke not only about the war, but also about the internal political situation in the context of the upcoming rotation. According to him, it is too early to believe that the government will collapse. “The negotiations are difficult, but our priorities are similar – Bulgaria’s membership in the Eurozone is only one of them,” Denkov points out.

And will Maria Gabriel become prime minister, and he – foreign minister? Nikolay Denkov says that this is one of the possibilities. It is discussed because it represents the easiest way to perform the rotation. Before the FAC, the Prime Minister stated that the other party (COAT OF ARMS-SDS – b.ed.) he wants not only to stand at the head of the government, but also to keep the foreign ministry, and this is now the subject of negotiations. “In every government, two members have direct access to foreign partners – the prime minister and the foreign minister. Both camps in the government need this direct access. Because it is important who explains the developments in Bulgaria to our partners – these are the EU member states, Great Britain and the US. It is logical to think about an appropriate balance in this regard,” explains Nikolay Denkov.

It also answers the question of whether a compromise is possible. “I hope so, because there are important tasks before us, the solution of which should not be jeopardized. The two parts of the government do not have differences of opinion regarding the introduction of the euro, the accession to the Schengen area or the pro-European development of the country.”

Denkov does not hide that in the last two months there has been a delay in the fight against corruption. He points out that the necessary legal changes have been taken, but the next step is still to come: to appoint professionals who are also honorable to head the institutions that are of crucial importance for the rule of law in Bulgaria. It is here that there is a delay, Denkov told the FAC.

About the rotation, he says something else: that the debate that will take place in the coming weeks is not about the posts per se. “This is secondary. It is about the guarantees and procedures for the occupation of key positions, which are decisive for the democratization of Bulgaria,” Denkov summarized in the interview given to Michael Martens.

Michael Martens’ interview with Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov was published in the print edition of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” on March 5, 2024 and republished by DW>>

2024-03-05 13:08:20

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