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Bulgarian Prime Minister Denkov insists Maria Gabriel should be the next prime minister, comments on Russian threats and NATO membership

  • Maria Gabriel should be the next prime minister, he insisted
  • The monument to the Soviet Army has its propaganda value, it has no cultural value. It was raised when Bulgaria missed the chance to be a democratic country, Denkov believes

Bulgaria must prepare for a moment when it may be threatened, not immediately. Thus, Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov commented on whether he expects Russia to attack our country.

According to him, it is precisely because of this possibility that we should invest in our armed forces and participate in joint trainings, and if we do so Bulgaria will not be threatened.

“Several times politicians at a very high level in Russia – both Putin, Medvedev and Zaharieva, have made direct threats to various countries. But they occupied Georgia, Crimea, Donbass, they are threatening Moldova. We see that there is a problem. It is high time to open our eyes and ears, and to understand that there is an imperial rhetoric that is not allowed in the 21st century,” Denkov pointed out.

It is obvious that this in Ukraine is about seizing territory, the Prime Minister believes. The same thing happened in Georgia.

Denkov pointed out that the national interest is integration into Europe and those countries that can protect us from foreign aggression, and that is NATO. However, he complained that “he was attacked so many times by the presidential institution, but you remained silent”, he only answered once or twice. I think we should all try to restore the good tone, added the prime minister.

If the parliament had worked on Thursday and Friday, we would not have had this speech by Viktor Obran, because the gas transmission fee would have been abolished, said the prime minister in connection with the veto that Hungary placed on our admission to Schengen.

“The fact that the National Assembly is not working prevents important issues from being taken,” he believes. And he announced that they had preliminary talks with Hungary, they were assured that on Friday the fee would fall and Hungary had not made similar requests for a veto, it became a fact after Sofia did not keep its promise.

“I hope on Monday it will pass and, if Hungary follows what it has said, this problem will disappear”, he is optimistic about the veto falling.

Let’s rejoice a little, the veto of the Netherlands m.y. prevented us from entering Schengen, it didn’t go down easily, a lot of work was done, he commented on the good news on our progress with Schengen.

“This change started with the previous regular government, unfortunately it was interrupted by the caretaker government. Mark Rütte said he trusts Kiril Petkov. Topics like Schengen have technical requirements, but it’s also about trust,” he insisted. According to him, Hungary depends too much on Russian gas and it was doubtful whether it could make independent decisions. But Denkov was confident that if we remove the fees, the veto will also disappear.

With Austria the problem was different because of the many unregistered migrants. But they were working on options for dropping out, even in stages. We should not be hostages to conjunctural situations such as whether or not there are elections in a country, the Prime Minister insisted to Nova TV.

When asked about the relations with the (non)coalition partners from GERB, Denkov emphasized that they had a very clear agreement that Maria Gabriel will be the next prime minister.

“We stick to this agreement, we follow it and we don’t see why it should change. We work very well with her in terms of foreign policy, she is very active. Regarding Schengen, she works with Austria and the EPP, as well as Borissov, and is important pressure on their side as well. Maria Gabriel should be the next prime minister,” he insisted.

“There should not be a blockade in front of the bank. This is not a constitutional way to discuss important issues. You cannot defend the constitution if you use these unconstitutional methods,” he said of the boycott in parliament, attacking the opposition, although the ruling majority repeated the blockade in Friday. The prime minister noted that the work of the parliament is being blocked by 3 parties for various reasons.

“They don’t have a positive direction, they just want to interfere. They don’t say what to do, something positive,” Denkov said. And he pointed out that they introduced many social measures, even those of the BSP.

Denkov again insisted that the dismantling of the Monument to the Soviet Army be carried out as it was installed – in parts. These figures are very heavy, special cranes are needed, technological rules are followed, the Prime Minister insisted.

The dismantling was legal. It is suspended until the case is cleared, and they will wait for the “movement of the court”.

“They are trying to delay it, but this monument should go somewhere else – to the Museum of Socialist Art. It does not belong there,” he said. And he told how from the Sofia University campus to the Rectorate he often passed by the monument and saw “a soldier with a machine gun, looking sternly at the SU”.

“This association has been bothering me for many years and I feel relieved that this symbol is disappearing,” the prime minister said.

“The monument has its propaganda value, it has no cultural value. It was erected when Bulgaria missed the chance to be a democratic country,” the Prime Minister believes. According to him, our country missed the chance to be like Greece because it was occupied by Russia.

Regarding the constitutional changes, he insisted that these were not texts invented by three people. They were proposed and discussed by the Venice Commission, agreed with the EC and “are not the invention of three people”.

The Prime Minister also commented on the incident with the unaired interview of the Russian ambassador Eleonora Mitrofanova to the BNR, against which the MP from the DPS Delyan Peevski publicly protested.

“Neither ambassadors nor politicians should interfere to decide what will be presented on radio or television. On the other hand, a national radio and television should have clear rules about what is allowed and what is not. The budget pays the salaries, it must we are sure that by giving this money there are standards, they are clear and public and they are followed,” he stated. There should be no political pressure on the media.

2023-12-17 16:48:00
#Prime #Minister #prepare #moment #threatened #Russia

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