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Bulgarian mercenaries hanged Berezovsky and threw his friend out of a window

Boris Berezovsky was a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A group of Bulgarian mercenaries is behind a series of mysterious murders in Britain, including that of Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky and real estate magnate Scott Young.

This is stated in a new book by a former accountant of the underworld, writes “Daily Express”. According to the author Paul Blanchard, these two people were killed because of

the collapse of



project “Moscow”,

which angered powerful people in Russia. The same Bulgarian team for dirty orders was behind the execution of gangster John “Goldfinger” Palmer because of the interference of the Russian mafia in the underground world of Tenerife, claims Blanchard, who later became a police informant.

Boris Berezovsky, 67, was found in 2013 with a scarf around his neck in his interior-locked bathroom at a Surrey mansion he had bought from Young. The conclusion after the autopsy was that the death occurred during the hanging, and in addition, the deceased had a broken rib, but no traces of struggle were found. An investigation followed, which ended with the so-called open sentence when the circumstances surrounding the death remain unclear. Surrey police found no evidence of outside interference, although they did not rule it out, and the investigating judge said the search for evidence in the case was so complicated that it was impossible to say conclusively that Berezovsky had committed suicide or was killed. However, a German medical examiner hired by the family was adamant that

the oligarch does not

how could he have encroached

I’m alive

he was


Now Blanchard in his book not only confirms this version, but also points out the perpetrators – Bulgarian assassins, acting on behalf of the Russian mafia.

Berezovsky was close to President Boris Yeltsin, but although he was actively involved in the election of his successor, Vladimir Putin, the two soon came into conflict and the oligarch became an outspoken critic and opponent of the new head of state. At the end of 2000, relations became so strained that he was forced to leave Russia, where he lost much of his assets. In Moscow, he was even wanted by Interpol for fraud, money laundering and attempted forcible seizure of power. Since September 2003, the oligarch has lived permanently in London as a political refugee, and Britain has refused the Russians’ demands for his extradition.

In 2014, the 52-year-old Young, who was allegedly helping Boris Berezovsky launder money and take offshore part of his assets to the Island, was found dead after falling from his apartment in London for 3 million pounds located on the fourth floor. He had previously told police and friends several times that he was being chased by assassins linked to the Russian mafia. He concluded the Russian deal for the Moscow project a little earlier, after which he declared bankruptcy. British police say the death is not suspicious.

An investigation in July 2015 found that Young had mental health problems as a result of a painful divorce. After 11 years of marriage during the trial, Scott announced that he was completely ruined, but his ex-wife trumpeted in the media that he was hiding millions. In 2017, a US spy agency reported that the Russian state was involved in the tragic death, and the British police terminated the investigation too hastily.

There have long been suspicions that both have been killed, with executions disguised as suicides. In 2018, the British police and MI5 resumed work on the cases, as well as 12 more cases of mysterious deaths related to Russia and registered on the eve of the assassination attempt with a newcomer against double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. The conclusion for all of them was that they were not suspicious.

Essex police are still investigating the murder of John Palmer, who was shot in the chest in 2015 in the garden of his home in Brentwood. According to her, his involvement in a series of frauds at the time and the impending indictment of him by the Spanish prosecutor’s office were the probable motives for his removal. Palmer, whose fortune was estimated at 300 million pounds, had a network of 122 companies and dozens of offshore accounts, such as

his wealth is

was accumulated

from racketeering and laundry

of money

In his newly published book, however, Paul Blanchard points out that Palmer is also the third to be liquidated by the same team of assassins from Bulgaria.

Blanchard, 76, from New York, was hired by the rich in Marbella and Tenerife to devise tax evasion schemes. Thus, unwittingly, he found himself involved in dangerous connections with mafia networks around the world. Subsequently, he began to release data on the criminal world to the Spanish police.

The Russian mafia is becoming extremely influential in Tenerife and various criminal groups are fighting for supremacy and control over local businesses after Palmer went to prison for fraud in 2001. Blanchard says his offshore activities connect him to people who invest in a project. Moscow ”, in which Young also participates. In the book, the accountant writes: “I met several men who knew Scott Young and his Moscow deals. He and Berezovsky have been linked in a number of joint projects, including the ill-fated Moscow project. Powerful Russians feared that the project was a scheme and that Young and others were profiting from investors. Some of my intelligence contacts hinted that Young was in a very difficult situation at the time. He also knew that Berezovsky’s intervention in the project would anger Putin and his allies in Russia. My intelligence sources confirmed that Young was thrown out of the window by Bulgarian assassins on the orders of high-ranking figures from the brutal Russian underworld. They said Berezovsky was a victim of the same killers.

Blanchard also revealed that Young lost his fortune after diverting money from the British Virgin Islands to a bank in Cyprus. According to him, the real estate investor knew Palmer and wanted protection from the Russian mafia, writes “Daily Express”.

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