Bulgarian hoteliers clearly do not understand criticism and sarcasm. The expense during the Christmas and New Year holidays gave birth to the song “I can’t afford Velingrad, I’m going to the Maldives”. And although in 2023 overnight stays have already become significantly more expensive, the business of tourist accommodation en masse is about to raise prices even more.
A recent study reveals that 60% of hotels will “delight” their customers with up to 10% price increases. There is also worse news – as many as 16% plan an increase of between 10 and 20%. Only 20 percent of respondents will keep the prices. The share of hoteliers who plan to offer cheaper nights is quite small.
All these data are part of a national survey of hotel managers and owners conducted by the Bulgarian Association of Hotel Management Professionals (BAHE). It also shows that 2/3 of those surveyed hope to increase their income by up to 20% compared to last year.
The signals from our neighboring countries are also not good for tourists – they show an increase in prices. This probably encourages the Bulgarian hoteliers to further test the threshold of tolerance of the customers – local and foreign.
Hoteliers justify the incessant price increases with familiar arguments – labor shortage, general inflation, rising wage costs. 38% of those who took part in the survey indicate that the lack of personnel is a major problem. One in four complains about constantly changing conditions and the impossibility of long-term planning, for 17% the rising price of consumer goods and services is a leading challenge. 13% claim that for them the heaviest blow is the outflow of tourists from traditional markets.
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2024-02-08 02:37:35
#Hotels #massively #raising #prices