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Bulgarian Food Safety Agency Launches Spring Oral Vaccine for Foxes Against Rabies

The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) has launched a spring oral vaccine for foxes against rabies. It is part of the Program for the prevention, management, control and eradication of the rabies disease, which was developed and implemented by the BABH since 2009.

The process will take place in the 50-kilometer vaccination zone on the northern, western and southern borders of the country and in the 20-kilometer zone along the Danube River, covering 23 districts.

Specially equipped aircraft will spread approximately 1.5 miles. aerial feeding, and in no-fly zones, vaccines are applied by hand. The campaign is expected to start on 04/23/2024 from Balchik Airport, Dobrich region and continue until the beginning of May, depending on the weather.

The sights will be scattered on the territory of the provinces of Pernik, Kyustendil, Smolyan, Kardjali, Haskovo, Dobrich, Silistra, Vidin, Montana, Blagoevgrad, Pazardzhik, Yambol, Burgas, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Sofia region, the surroundings on Sofia -city, Shumen, Razgrad, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven and Vratsa. Vaccines will not be distributed across populated areas and water bodies.

Around Sofia and around Kozloduy NPP, bait will be distributed manually by specially trained people.

Vaccine baits are cube-shaped, and their unique smell attracts predators. In case of accidental contact with the baits, it is good to consult a doctor. Vaccines do not pose a health risk to other wild animals.

Control of the vaccine made includes: control of the reception of vaccine feed, serological analysis, by detecting antibodies against the rabies virus in blood samples of vaccinated animals.

We remind you that rabies is a dangerous viral disease that affects all mammals and humans, with fatal results. Wild predators are the main reservoir of the disease in our country, mainly foxes and, to a lesser extent, jackals. Bulgaria’s disease prevention and eradication strategy includes oral vaccination of foxes and
annual vaccination of dogs.

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2024-04-22 15:04:00

#BHAB #starting #fox #vaccination #country #rabies #plane

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