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Bulgaria will be the first country in the EU with collective immunity!

Will municipal hospitals collapse financially?

“Because of the good management of the municipal medical institutions, the electricity bills will be paid without any problems. But this money could go for repairs, for the purchase of new equipment,” commented the chairman of the health commission in the Sofia Municipal Council Dr. Anton Koychev in the studio of “The Day ON AIR”.

He announced that photovoltaics will be located in two DCCs to ease electricity bills. These are also provided for some hospitals.

“Generalizing the problem does not lead to finding solutions. The municipal hospitals are well managed, with a lot of help from the Sofia Municipality. We are ready for a bigger rise in electricity prices, but a resource is being wasted on paying utility bills instead of care. for health “, stressed Dr. Koychev.

According to him, many hospitals in Sofia were not ready to resume planned operations in such a short time after the order of the Ministry of Health. But this will be done where possible.

The doctor said that during these 2 years in the conditions of a pandemic they taught many bitter lessons in healthcare.

“We are the first country in the EU to gain collective immunity through illness, not vaccination. People have calmed down. The news of new drugs has also calmed them down. One of the main problems was poor communication. After the first wave, things got quite mixed up. Conspiracy theories have flourished, “said the chairman of the SOC’s health commission.

According to him, one of the reasons for the high mortality from Kovid-19 in our country is the neglect of health. Patients sought medical help late.

Dr. Koychev stressed that money for health care can never be enough.

“Arbitrary increase, without a serious expert discussion on the future of the health system, will not lead to the expected results. The time has come to value medical work. There is a serious crisis for nurses, the lack is almost catastrophic. Mass pediatricians are also “There are serious health imbalances that need to be overcome, otherwise there will be a collapse,” he said.

The guest, who works at the Alexandrovska Hospital, said he had also heard of the practice of transferring serious cases between hospitals.

“I have also heard of patient transfer practices. Alexandrovska Hospital accepts extremely serious cases. But you have a duty as a doctor and as a person to cure the patient. You need to analyze whether this is a rumor or the truth. Then sanctions must follow, yes solidarity will return, inter-hospital communication will improve “, added Dr. Koychev.

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