Home » today » News » Bulgaria sent Patriarch Neophyte on his last journey – 2024-03-16 12:39:01

Bulgaria sent Patriarch Neophyte on his last journey – 2024-03-16 12:39:01

Today we sent Patriarch Neophyte on his last journey. His Holiness died on Wednesday, aged 78, after a long illness. Friday and Saturday have been declared days of national mourning.

The funeral ceremony on Saturday began at 9:00 a.m., and in the Patriarchal Cathedral “St. Alexander Nevsky” 30 minutes later, the funeral liturgy began.

It is led by Metropolitan John of Varna and Veliko Preslav, who is now the temporary vicar of the Holy Synod.

It is with broken hearts that we send our Patriarch Neophyte on his last journey, said Metropolitan John. The earthly loss with him is a difficult and painful experience. Our God is a God not of the dead but of the living, he declared. Throughout his life, Patriarch Neophyte was a model of charity, patience and wisdom, according to John. He lived with true Christian love, according to the metropolitan. Let us follow his example and principles, commanded Metropolitan John. Let us sacredly keep the covenant of Patriarch Neophytus, he wished. Eternal and blessed be his memory.

The funeral of His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte was performed by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who arrived in Bulgaria.

In the patriarchal cathedral, among those present are representatives of various institutions and religious denominations in our country, clergy from the local Orthodox churches and many believers who came to say goodbye to the Bulgarian patriarch.

The Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Serbian Patriarchate of Jerusalem also sent a representative. The Russian Church also sent its representative, who, however, will not participate in the service. The Romanian and Georgian churches also have their representative. Metropolitan Joseph, Metropolitan of the USA, Canada and Australia, is missing.

The sensitive point is the presence of the Ukrainian Church, which is not yet recognized. Among those who came to honor Patriarch Neofitus was Metropolitan Epiphanius of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

Politicians also respected the liturgy. The head of state Rumen Radev, as well as the vice president Iliyana Yotova paid their respects. Academician Nikolay Denkov, Prime Minister in resignation, Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel, Chairman of the National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov, Yordan Tsonev were also present. And Simeon of Saxe-Coburg-Gothic took an official part in the ceremony by reading the Creed.

The ambassador of Russia to our country, Eleonora Mitrofanova, also arrived at the St. Alexander Nevsky temple-monument.

“Patriarch Neophyte was a real priest! Great friend of Russia. Our church mourns together with the Bulgarians and the Bulgarian people,” said Ambassador Mitrofanova. Ambassador of Ukraine Olesya Ilashchuk also came to pay his respects.

from the square “St. Alexander Nevsky” started a liturgical procession to the Metropolitan Cathedral “Holy Sunday”, where a burial ceremony of His Holiness will be held.

The body of Patriarch Neofitus was placed on a carriage, the same one with which the body of Tsar Boris 3 was accompanied. According to the will of the patriarch, he was buried next to Exarch Joseph.


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