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Building Assets with Preferential Stocks: Interview with Dividend-Kun on Becoming Super Wealthy

A preferential stock that allows you to receive company products, cash coupons, etc. from companies by investing in them. Some people may be thinking, “I want to live a life of preferential treatment” or “It would be fun to build up assets while receiving preferential gifts.”

So this time, we interviewed Kazuyuki-kun, who is building his assets with the goal of “realistically aiming to become a super wealthy person with assets of 500 million yen.” We will ask you how to choose preferential stocks and recommended stocks. In the first part, we asked Dividend-kun why he started investing and what he thinks about choosing stocks.

Dividend-kun Profile

An office worker investor living in a local area. He has a family of four. Although he aims to become an ultra-rich man worth 500 million yen, he has a steady lifestyle and enjoys saving money. Currently, he invests in US stocks (7 stocks), dividend stocks (annual dividend of 1.65 million yen), preferential short sales (100 products a year), crypto assets, etc. He has no savings other than the minimum cost of living and is investing in full swing.

blog:Dividend-kun blog


I could see my whole life…

Towsil:Dividend-kun is a salaried investor who works as an employee of a non-profit organization, right?

Dividend-kun:yes. I have been working as a non-profit organization employee for almost 20 years.

Towsil:You have been investing for over 10 years. What made you start investing?

Dividend-kun:I started investing when I was around 30 years old. During the day, I work as an employee at a non-profit organization, and the workplace has a seniority-based pay system, so I can already see how much money I’ll earn by working for many years.

To put it bluntly, it’s a state of “stability,” but on the other hand, it’s a state in which you can see your entire life ahead of you. I realized that it would be difficult to reach the wealthy class just by doing my main job, and I thought that would be boring, which is why I started investing.

Towsil:It’s certainly boring when you can’t see where your life is headed.

Dividend-kun:yes. Rather than being dissatisfied with the current situation, I thought, “It’s not interesting.” I’m the type of person who likes trial and error, so when I learned about investing during my research, I thought I had no choice but to try it.

Towsil:Become wealthy! When you decided to do this, what did you start with?

Dividend-kun:First of all, I reviewed my expenses and started minimizing my household budget. After that, I started looking for ways to earn more money outside of my day job.

Towsil:That was an “investment”.

Dividend-kun:yes. I believe that if you cut out unnecessary expenses and use the free money to invest, and commit to both reducing expenses and increasing assets, you will be able to move forward with asset building. Working = providing one’s labor and receiving money, but I thought about having people work for the money they earned.

Towsil:That said, investing all of a sudden is quite mentally demanding (lol). How did you first learn about investing?

Dividend-kun:First, I attended a seminar distributed by a securities company. Since it was still before the coronavirus, I attended and participated in some real-life seminars, but since then, the number of online seminars has increased, so I’ve been watching a lot of online seminars.

Towsil:What did you learn?

Dividend-kun:What left an impression on me were the stories of Takao Hirose, who is famous for his analysis of American stocks, and Ken Hineno, a certified public accountant. I was able to learn from scratch the fundamentals that form the basis of stock investment.

As I learned a lot, my stance became to diversify into a variety of products and take on challenges within my risk tolerance. Currently, I am trying my hand at a wide variety of things, including index investing, US stocks, high dividend stocks, preferential stocks, and crypto assets, aiming to get the best of the world.

Towsil:Although he is a diligent type who starts by saving money, it is surprising that he seems to be expanding into financial products with high volatility such as crypto assets!

Dividend-kun:On the other hand, I have a strong sense of adventure and curiosity (lol).

Towsil:Please tell us about a failure that left an impression on you in your investment experience.

Dividend-kun:When I first started investing, I bought an investment trust with high fees…Now that I think about it, I think it was a mistake. For now, he thought it was an investment trust, and at the time, he didn’t think about the fees.

I started investing in crypto assets relatively early, and now major stocks such as Bitcoin are bringing me strong unrealized gains, but when I first started, I was focusing on minor stocks and it became worthless. Some things have become.

Towsil:Beginners often fail with investment trusts (lol). Dividend-kun, who was just a beginner, when and what was the turning point when you started to rapidly increase your assets?

Dividend-kun:I think my turning point was how well I was able to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. When I first started investing, I had heard about major crashes such as the Lehman Shock that had occurred before that, but I also learned that stock prices would eventually recover.

I thought that “there will definitely be another crash someday,” and that the crash was “creating the soil for the creation of a new wealthy class.” Therefore, when the corona shock occurred, I didn’t hesitate and went all out to buy this particular stock that had crashed. I believe that this was the trigger that gave us a significant boost in asset growth.

Only 5% cash! ?Reasons to go full swing with investment, leaving only the bare minimum

Towsil:Please tell us about your current portfolio! What is your main focus now?

Dividend-kun:My main focus right now is US stocks. Currently, we have the effect of a weaker yen, and above all, I believe that US stocks are stronger over the long term than Japanese stocks, so I believe that by holding them from a very long-term perspective, I can win.

Towsil:What stocks do you own?

Dividend-kun:Investment trusts areRakuten National Stock Index Fund (Rakuten/VTI)It’s a choice. ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is ETF,Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1 (QQQ)and,Vanguard US High Dividend Stock ETF (VYM)is held.

As for individual US stocks, I own them, and the rest are high dividend indexes. As individual stocks with high dividends,Procter & Gamble (PG)Coca-Cola (KO),andJohnson & Johnson (JNJ)ExxonMobil (XOM)The four main brands are: The main crypto assets are Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

Towsil:What is your current total assets?

Dividend-kun:It has reached around 120 million yen. The cash ratio is about 5%, and around 95% is focused on investments.

Towsil:Is the cash ratio only 5%? ! Aren’t you anxious?

Dividend-kun:I’m a salaried worker, so having a salary income is probably my strength (lol). Since my daily living can be covered by my salary, I would like to devote all my efforts to investments for the rest. Since the assets are about 100 million yen, 5% of that is about 5 million yen. If that’s all you have, you won’t have to worry too much.

I keep about 3 million yen in cash for regular credit card payments and for emergencies, and use the remaining 2 million yen for preferential investments.

Towsil:We will discuss preferential investment in detail in the second part. Dividend-kun, you own a variety of financial products and stocks, but what are your criteria when choosing stocks?

Dividend-kun:Basically, we are looking at whether a stock can be held over the medium to long term. Regarding individual stocks with high dividends, we basically only hold defensive stocks that are intended to be held for the long term. Of course I will sell it someday, but the basic idea is to hold it forever.

Why I don’t spend extravagantly even if my assets exceed 100 million yen

Towsil:The header image of X has the words “Realistically aiming to become a super wealthy person with assets of 500 million yen”. Is your goal to reach 500 million yen in assets? Are you aiming to achieve FIRE (achieve financial independence and retire early from work? Realize financial independence and retire early from work)?

Dividend-kun:Rather than trying my best to become FIRE right now, I feel like it would be great if I could get to the point where I can become FIRE while building assets. I don’t set goals like “I want to quit my job no matter what!” or “I’m going to be FIRE by the age of 0!”

Towsil:Some people become FIRE when they reach 100 million yen in assets, but this is not the case for Dividend-kun. Why is the amount 500 million yen?

Dividend-kun:The reason is as simple as the definition of ultra-wealthy being *500 million yen.

*In general, the definitions that are most prevalent in Japan are that households with net financial assets of 100 million to 500 million yen = “high net worth class” and households with net financial assets of 500 million yen or more = “ultra high net worth class”

Regarding FIRE, if I were single, I think I would have had the option to quit my job once my assets exceeded 100 million yen, but since I have a wife and two children, I didn’t make the decision at that point. is. Also, since I live in a rural area, my living expenses are not very high, but it is still unclear how much my child’s education will cost in the future, so I plan to continue working as a part-time investor for a while.

Towsil:Has your life changed since your assets exceeded 100 million yen?

Dividend-kun:No, nothing has changed in my life. In fact, I don’t even want to raise my standard of living.

I don’t intend to be extravagant just because I’ve been able to successfully build up my assets. My home is still a rented house because I receive rent assistance as part of my workplace welfare program. Above all, even now that I’ve reached 100 million yen, I’m still the type of person who finds joy in “reducing expenses” (lol). I think it is important to not raise your standard of living too easily in terms of asset formation.

Towsil:I have actually built up assets of 100 million yen, and my goal is to have total assets of 500 million yen as a super wealthy person. It’s interesting that despite this, he never forgets to keep a frugal mindset and his daily life is no different from that of a normal person!

The Billionaire Next Door: The path to becoming a millionaire that even Japanese people can follow, as revealed by a U.S. survey

The first edition of Dr. Stanley’s research on “people who became millionaires in their lifetime” became a bestseller. Twenty years later, “After”, a detailed analysis of today’s wealthy Americans, was published and has become a hot topic. Billionaires, who have the image of spending large sums of money and living luxurious lives, often live a normal lifestyle, wearing Seiko watches and driving cheap cars for long periods of time. A book that reminds you of Dividend-kun’s investment mindset.
Author/Editor:Thomas J. Stanley, sarah stanley farrar/Released in January 2021/Bread Rolling/1,980 yen (tax included)

Dividend-kun:I think it would be interesting to become a super wealthy person, and I just want to become one, so I don’t think I’m looking forward to it. Also, I don’t think about quitting my job and FIRE for a while because I get satisfaction that can only come from work.

Nowadays, I think of myself as operating myself in the labor market, and I think of myself as a “credit” in society. If I were to work until retirement, I would have a stable flow of cash for about 20 years, so I think it would be a good idea to replace the cash I have with risk assets.

Towsil:The idea that you are a bond is innovative! The idea is that you earn money by offering yourself to society.

Dividend-kun:Yes (lol). If I achieve FIRE with assets of 500 million yen before retirement age, or if I retire and lose my job, I plan to change my current ratio. The idea that what you have on hand is fine as financial assets is based on the position you have in your current job, and the premise is that you take a long-term view.

–thank you. In the second part, I would like to continue hearing about how Dividend-kun, who would be happy if he could reduce his expenses, invests in preferential stocks.

>>Read “Approximately 100 special offers per year! Interview with Kazuyuki-kun”[Part 2]!

2024-03-10 02:00:00
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