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Building a Model Autonomous Region: Implementation of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee’s Decision

  Explanation on the “Decision of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee on the All-round Construction of a Model Autonomous Region”

(July 3, 2023)

Sun Shaocheng

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, I explained to the plenary session the drafting of the “Decision of the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the All-round Construction of a Model Autonomous Region”.

  1. The formulation and promulgation of the “Decision” is a major measure to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions to Inner Mongolia

Building a model autonomous region is the consistent requirement of General Secretary Xi Jinping for Inner Mongolia. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the General Secretary has repeatedly put forward clear requirements for building a model autonomous region, pointing out that “people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia have always attached their hearts to the Party and the Party Central Committee, and have won and long-term care for the lofty honor of the model autonomous region”, entrusting Inner Mongolia Cadres and the masses should “treasure the honor and strengthen the responsibility of the mission” and “continue to maintain the lofty honor of the model autonomous region in the new era.” When inspecting our region this time, the general secretary pointed out that “Inner Mongolia is the earliest ethnic autonomous region established in my country. It has broken a new path in the Chinese-style modernization construction and has important influence both nationally and internationally.” Strengthen the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation and continue to build a model autonomous region.”

Last year, focusing on thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the General Secretary’s important instructions to Inner Mongolia, the party committee of the autonomous region proposed to focus on two major tasks, one of which is to build a model autonomous region in an all-round way. The Standing Committee of the Party Committee believes that doing this major event well is a more powerful, deeper, and longer-lasting care for the lofty honor. His responsibilities and deeds are of great and far-reaching significance for motivating the whole region to unswervingly follow the direction guided by the General Secretary and break new paths in the Chinese-style modernization drive. To handle this major event well, a document in charge is needed. After the national “two sessions”, the party committee of the autonomous region began to study and formulate decisions, and made the review of the decision draft an important topic of this plenary session.

  2. Drafting process and basic framework of the decision draft

The party committee of the autonomous region attaches great importance to the drafting of the decision. Members of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and other provincial leading comrades conducted in-depth investigations and research, and formed a batch of research results, which laid a good foundation for drafting decisions. The drafting group earnestly studied the spirit of the General Secretary’s important instructions to Inner Mongolia and the spirit of the relevant documents of the Party Central Committee, fully absorbed the research results and opinions and suggestions from all aspects, and drafted and formed a draft decision for comments. Since the end of June, the incumbent provincial leaders, members and alternate members of the autonomous region party committee, party committees (party groups) of all league cities and departments, representatives of democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, non-party personages, and veteran comrades at the provincial level have been recruited successively. And the opinions of retired cadres in the United Front and ethnic areas and some league cities. The drafting group carefully studied and accepted the opinions and suggestions solicited. On June 30, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region studied and discussed the decision draft, which was revised and perfected and submitted to the plenary meeting for deliberation.

During the drafting process, the following principles were emphatically grasped. The first is a comprehensive benchmarking table. Take the spirit of the General Secretary’s important instructions to Inner Mongolia as a fundamental basis, grasp and implement them as a whole, and study and propose which aspects to set as models and what kind of models to do, all closely following the important instructions and requirements of the General Secretary. Especially for the new instructions and requirements made by the General Secretary when he inspected our district this year, we studied and sorted out one by one, digested and transformed them one by one, and implemented them in all work arrangements. The second is to adhere to integrity and innovation. On the basis of past work, it embodies the ideas, methods and measures of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region to creatively solve problems, build mechanisms, and implement them. For the major issues and key tasks related to the overall situation and long-term development of the autonomous region, in the decision draft, some made clear deployments, and some put forward directional requirements, which not only maintain the continuity and stability of the work, but also reflect the work. In order to better guide the whole district to go all out to implement it, and follow through with a single blueprint. The third is to highlight key points and key points. Persist in close connection with the major deployments made by the autonomous region’s party committee to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Those that have been clearly deployed will not be detailed in the draft decision. At the same time, adhere to the “short, real and new” style of writing, and strive to be concise.

In addition to the introduction and concluding remarks, the decision draft consists of 7 parts and 26 articles. It is mainly set as a model in being grateful to the party, listening to the party’s words, and following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new journey, setting a model in forging a sense of community of the Chinese nation, and setting a good example for the nation. Set an example in promoting Chinese-style modernization in the region, set an example in frontier ethnic areas on the road to common prosperity, set an example in promoting border stability and stability, set an example in connecting domestic and international double cycles in frontier areas, and promote new trends and righteousness The seven aspects of the work model made deployments and put forward requirements, calling on the whole region to do its best to build a model autonomous region in an all-round way, and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Inner Mongolia.

  3. Several issues that need to be explained

First, about coordinating and promoting two major events. The party committee of the autonomous region emphasized that the two major events are to deepen the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s guiding requirements for Inner Mongolia’s important instructions, and they are the key starting point for Inner Mongolia to break new ground in the Chinese-style modernization. How well Inner Mongolia will develop and build in the future, and whether it will be more important in the overall situation of the party and the country’s work, the key depends on how well these two major issues are handled.

To better promote the two major events, the most important thing is to grasp the organic and unified relationship between the two. The “five major tasks” are mainly to implement the construction tasks assigned by the General Secretary to Inner Mongolia in terms of economy, society, and ecology; the all-round construction of a model autonomous region is mainly to systematically implement the instructions and requirements of the General Secretary to Inner Mongolia, which is all-round. In the final draft, it focuses on party building, politics, culture and other aspects. These two major events intersect, complement each other, and complement each other. The implementation of the “five major tasks” is the support for building a model autonomous region in an all-round way. After the completion of the “five major tasks”, there will be a solid foundation, especially a material foundation, for the all-round construction of a model autonomous region; Fangwei builds a model autonomous region to provide guidance for the implementation of the “five major tasks”, and all fields and aspects have shown exemplary appearances, and the “five major tasks” will have a stronger guarantee. In the process of successfully handling the two major events, it is necessary to strengthen the concept of the system and strengthen policy coordination and cooperation, so that the various tasks and measures of the two major events work in the same direction and promote each other, so as to continuously lead the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Inner Mongolia.

Second, about the task requirements of building a model autonomous region in an all-round way. The overall goal of all-round construction is to embody models in various fields and aspects, but there is no distinction between primary and secondary in the process of promotion. The decision draft proposes “seven models”, each of which is the core requirement of the general secretary’s important instructions to Inner Mongolia, and is also an area where Inner Mongolia has the conditions, ability, and responsibility to be a model. Speaking of “model” is not about competing with others, nor is it about being a model for the sake of being a model, but emphasizing striving for excellence and doing better in Inner Mongolia according to high standards.

The “seven role models” are closely related and internally unified as a whole. Among them, gratitude to the party, listening to the party’s words, and following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new journey are the fundamental political prerequisites for doing a good job in Inner Mongolia. Building a sense of the Chinese nation’s community is the main line of work, and promoting Chinese-style modernization is our central task. Towards common prosperity is our unswerving development goal. Prospering and stabilizing the border is Inner Mongolia’s inescapable political responsibility. Unicom’s domestic and international dual cycle is an inevitable requirement for Inner Mongolia to serve and integrate into the new development pattern and expand the new space for development. Carry forward the new trend Righteousness is an important guarantee for the development of our various undertakings. When the “seven models” are done well, the all-round construction of a model autonomous region will be well-known. In the process of advancing, we must grasp the overall situation and promote it in an all-round way.

Third, about firmly grasping the main line of forging the consciousness of the Chinese nation community. During his visit to our region this year, the general secretary proposed for the first time that “building a solid awareness of the Chinese nation community is the main line of the party’s ethnic work in the new era, and it is also the main line of work in ethnic areas”, emphasizing that “economic construction and political construction in ethnic areas , cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction, and party construction, etc., must be closely centered on and never deviate from this main line.” This major conclusion is an innovation of Marxist theory, and it is the fundamental basis for our district to do all kinds of work well.

The reason why the decision draft puts forward the goal of comprehensively establishing a demonstration zone for building a solid Chinese nation community consciousness is that one is to resolutely implement the instructions and requirements of the General Secretary and promote all work to focus on this main line; the other is that we build a solid Chinese nation community consciousness With a good foundation, we have a fine tradition of being grateful to the party, listening to the party, and following the party, a good tradition of promoting national unity, a good exchange and integration of various ethnic groups, and a harmonious and stable situation like a family. In the future, whatever we do or do, we must closely focus on and never deviate from this main line, and use this to evaluate and test its effects, so that the consciousness of the Chinese nation community will be rooted in the hearts of the people of all ethnic groups.

Fourth, about building the “Northern Xinjiang Culture” brand. To build a model autonomous region in an all-round way, it is very important to do a good job in cultural construction and enhance cultural identity. At this year’s Symposium on Cultural Inheritance and Development, the General Secretary emphasized the need to better shoulder the new cultural mission and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Inner Mongolia has a rich history and culture, rich human resources, and the colorful culture on the vast land is an important part of Chinese culture. But there is a lack of a concept that covers all cultures and embodies the characteristics of Inner Mongolia. Therefore, we propose to create “Northern Xinjiang Culture”, a regional cultural brand with Inner Mongolian characteristics, to inherit and develop the excellent traditional Chinese culture, to make the excellent culture rooted in the land of Northern Xinjiang alive in the new era, and to promote the development of Inner Mongolia. The positive image provides strong support and injects strong spiritual power into the promotion of modernization.

We put forward the basic content of several aspects of “Northern Xinjiang Culture”. Among them, the exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups is an inexhaustible driving force to promote the development and progress of the Chinese nation. A history of the development of Inner Mongolia is itself a history of multi-ethnic exchanges and integration. The characteristics of multi-ethnic and great integration are extremely important in Inner Mongolia Clear; watch and help each other, this is the first major concept put forward by the general secretary in Inner Mongolia. It brilliantly summarizes the fine traditions and vivid practices of people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia holding hands, heart to heart, guarding the frontiers of the motherland and creating a better life together; Mongolian horse spirit and the “Three North Spirit”, which entrust the general secretary’s affectionate encouragement to us. Both of them emphasize motivation, hard work, and tenacity in connotation, which is the most distinctive spiritual symbol of our Inner Mongolians; It is the “outline” of various tasks in Inner Mongolia. We must always focus on consolidating the ideological foundation of the Chinese nation community in promoting cultural construction. The work of building the “Northern Xinjiang Culture” brand has just started, and it still needs to concentrate the wisdom and strength of all parties to deepen research and actively promote it.

What needs to be emphasized is that the all-round construction of a model autonomous region has a wide range of connotations and is an “all-round” requirement. The decision draft mainly describes what to do, and does not use much ink on how to do it. The departments have fully innovated and created in practice, forming a vivid situation of comparing and catching up with each other and competing to excel.

Comrades, deliberation and adoption of decisions is an important task of this plenary session. I hope that everyone will take the overall situation into account, combine reality, think carefully, discuss in depth, put forward constructive opinions and suggestions, and work together to formulate a high-quality document.

(Editors in charge: Zhang Xuedong, Liu Ze)

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2023-07-10 00:09:00
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