Home » Health » Build Chest and Arm Muscles at Home: A Guide to Push-Ups for Men

Build Chest and Arm Muscles at Home: A Guide to Push-Ups for Men

build chest muscles no equipment orbuild arm muscles men at homeeasy withpush ups weight loss for menAnyone who wants to test their strength bypushups increase muscle we have compiledHow to push ups, lose weight, push ups, reduce belly forman Help build muscle

push ups weight loss men

Pushups or Push-ups It is an exercise that uses all muscles of the body. Especially the muscles of the upper body, chest, shoulders, arms and upper back. By using body weight to push the floor up and down is considered a basic exercise. that does not require equipment And it is considered a body weight exercise, which is a form of muscle development by using body weight as a form of resistance.

What muscles can I do pushups?

Pushups get upper body muscles such as chest muscles, shoulders, triceps, upper back and use core muscles, lower back, legs, abdomen, hips by building muscles from pushups. In addition to helping the muscles around the core look firmer. also makes each part stronger as well

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Can push-ups lose weight?

Push-ups can lose weight for men because push-ups are push-ups using our body weight as resistance. Which uses many muscles Especially the shoulders, arms and chest if we do push-ups regularly in a sufficient number of times It is equivalent to lifting weights in the gym. In addition, push-ups also help reduce belly, create a six-pack. Because while doing push-ups, we use the core muscles as well. As a result, the muscles look toned and firm. If done in conjunction with cardio exercises such as brisk walking or running, it will help burn more fat. and can lose more weight as well

How many calories do push-ups reduce?

Push-ups can burn calories up to 50% – 75% of your body weight. By pushing up 1 time will burn 1 kilocalories of energy if done continuously as a set combined with many moves at the same time Also known as Cross fit training for 20 minutes can burn up to 13 calories / minute at all.

How to do push-ups for men correctly

The correct standard push-up method should be straightening the torso on a flat surface with shoulders, arms and hands in line with the back, not arched.

Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. fingers pointing forward Feet close together, perpendicular to the floor. back parallel to the floor Tighten your stomach slightly and lower your torso slowly. until your chest and chin are slightly off the ground Bend your elbows slightly apart according to your body shape. no elbow lock Inhale as you lower yourself up and exhale. Your elbows, back, buttocks and legs are straight.

How many times a day do you push-ups?

on average Healthy men aged 15-30 years should do at least 25 push-ups. To build muscle, men can do 10 sets of 10, 30 seconds of rest, and repeat until 10 sets are equal to 100 push-ups in total. Just starting to learn push-ups, gradually push-ups from a small number of times first and gradually increase the number of times.

More importantly, it is recommended that you should have a day to rest your muscles. and should do pushups 3-4 days a week, that’s enough, shouldn’t do pushups every day for the body to rest and repair the muscles after some exercise

push ups table weight loss men

Push-ups for weight loss for 30 days for men by alternating alternate days until completing 4 weeks for 1 month as follows:

Week 1, 25 times a day Week 2, 50 times a day, divided into 5 rounds of 10 per set Week 3, 75 times per day, divided into 7 rounds, 10 per set, final 5 times per day, final week 100 reps, 10 reps per set, 10 reps




Week 1 25 times a day can be divided into 5 sets of 5 rounds Week 2 50 times a day can be divided into 10 times per set 5 times Week 3 70 times a day can be divided into 7 rounds 10 times per set Finally, 5 times in the 4th week, 100 times a day, divided into 10 times per set, 10 rounds.

In addition to push-ups, it helps build muscle and increase muscle strength. If done in conjunction with other types of exercise and food control Doing pushups will help you lose weight. Can stimulate fat burning In addition, push-ups also reduce stress. Makes you concentrate more as well

by the best pushups Should start from the number of reps the body can do. As the body gets stronger, it gradually develops the appropriate number of repetitions. If pushups are too heavy may cause bodily injury And don’t forget to take a day off to allow your body to recover properly.

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2023-07-05 06:05:00

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