“Bugatti has had a close relationship with aviation since the company was founded more than 110 years ago. Many successful Bugatti racing drivers, such as Albert Divo, Robert Benoist and Bartolomeo ‘Meo’ Costantini, flew for the French Air Force, French aviation legend Roland Garros privately drove the Bugatti Type 18 to be as fast on the road as in the air, ”explains Stephan Winkelmann. President Bugatti.
The specialty is characterized by Serpent matt paint, which is inspired by paint for aircraft from the 1920s. There is also a French tricolor on the side or a painting above the front wheel. Drawings with aircraft motifs, such as the race between the Bugatti Type 13 and the Nieuport 17, also appear in the interior, in the door panels, on the center console or on the headrest.
Technically nothing has changed, so the Chiron Les Légendes du Ciel is powered by an eight-liter W16 engine with four turbochargers, 1500 horsepower and 1600 Nm of torque. The maximum speed is electronically limited to 420 km / h.