There is a RECURRING problem with the “Recognitions” or “Renaming” of the curia, with my first alter I happened 1 time, in recognition 10, with this character it has happened to me 2 times in Recognition 9 and now in Recognition 19, the problem is The next one does not allow me to advance further in my missions of curia and / or recognition, my other 2 characters I have recognition 20, and this one does not let me advance more, it does not give me the next mission to continue, I have done Many Mythics 0 and several mythical +2 +3 and +4, I also did the LFG Group Finder Raid, even yesterday I entered a BG to see if it gives me the advance, I have done countless world missions and all the calls, but it does not give me the feel Mission that is the “TREAT FOR A LOA” I already have it activated in my other PCs and I have not wanted to do it to do them with the 3 characters and reach the maximum recognition of this week.
There should be a clear way to know how to upload them, I renamed or recognized them, perhaps a bar with the reputation bar, so that each person knows how much is left to go to the next, if this depends on “RNG” it is very bad that it depends on luck.
Thank you