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Buenos Aires will return to strict quarantine for two weeks to control the virus

“We see that the epicenter (of the pandemic) is in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires. The metropolitan area is spreading to the rest of the country. We have to isolate the metropolitan area from the rest of the country, “said President Alberto Fernández.


The capital of Argentina and its suburbs will return to a stage of strict mandatory isolation from July 1 to July 17, President Alberto Fernández reported this Friday, June 26, trying to reduce the acceleration of covid-19 infections. that there was in the last weeks.

Until this Friday, Argentina had a total of 52,457 cases, with 1,167 deaths, figures that are much lower than those of some of its South American neighbors, but that could grow exponentially during July, according to various experts.

“We need to buy time to guarantee that our health system improves and can serve everyone, absolutely all Argentines (…) Quarantine is a remedy for the pandemic, the only one we know of,” said Fernández in a recorded speech for television.

The government has eased in recent weeks the restrictions established in March in much of the country. However, he maintained mandatory confinement in the city of Buenos Aires and its populated suburbs, although with greater freedoms.

But when the number of cases multiplied by five since mid-May, the authorities of the nation, of the province of Buenos Aires and of the city of the same name decided to go back with the moderate opening of recent weeks in the area, which is the most punished by the new coronavirus.

“We see that the epicenter (of the pandemic) is in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires. The metropolitan area is spreading to the rest of the country. We have to isolate the metropolitan area from the rest of the country, “added Fernández, who was accompanied by the rulers of the province and the city of Buenos Aires.

In search of revitalizing an economy that is collapsing after two years of recession, the Government of Argentina granted large subsidies and allowed the opening of more shops, although parks, schools and a large part of the offices remain closed in the capital and its surroundings .

Fernández announced more subsidies and benefits for merchants and workers hit by the pandemic.

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