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Buea: At least one dead in a terrorist attack

A trace of the Buea attack

At least one dead, several injured and vehicles burned. This is the official assessment of an armed attack in the city of Buea, this night of January 29 to 30, 2024. Indeed, the capital city of the South-West region suffered an incursion by a few armed men in the depths of the night. According to Bernard Okalia Bilaï the governor of the Littoral region, the incursion only lasted about ten minutes, the time to carry out the act.

In a video broadcast on social networks, an armed group claims the attack in question which it justifies by the non-respect by the populations of the slogan of “dead cities” imposed in the regions of the North-West and the South-West as part of the armed struggle launched in these regions of Anglo-Saxon culture ongoing since November 2016. This situation comes after we have observed with satisfaction months of calm. This situation happens while we ask the population to denounce terrorists », Confirms Bernard Okalia Bilaï on the same channels. Clearly, these are retaliations by the secessionists against the populations who are trying to break the chains of fear. We thus learn that yesterday was a very ordinary day of activity. The populations having gone out to go about their business like the other days of the week.

But at the same time, the populations do not meet the expectations of the authorities. “ It’s always amazing that these people come out and take action without any information leaking. We have never denied the fact that the terrorists are still there. We know they are hiding among populations », denounces the boss of the region. “The population is happy to resume their activities. She wants to enjoy security and peace. But we say that we must maintain this peace and security,” adds Bernard Okalia Bilaï. But the man assures that “ this is an isolated terrorist act“, to put last night’s attack into perspective, and dispel the fear that may spread across the city and the region.

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