Home » News » Budiman Sudjatmiko Responds to Anies Baswedan’s Personal Attacks on Prabowo Subianto in 2024 Presidential Debate

Budiman Sudjatmiko Responds to Anies Baswedan’s Personal Attacks on Prabowo Subianto in 2024 Presidential Debate


Deputy Chairman of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Expert Council Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Budiman Sudjatmikoresponding to the third debate on the 2024 presidential election. Budiman said that presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, had many personal attacks on Prabowo Subianto.

“I see that it would be better for Mr Anies to be a personal forum. Mr Anies apparently personalizes some of the criticism which has nothing to do with the performance of the Ministry of Defense, has nothing to do with defense issues,” said Budiman at Istora Senayan, Sunday (7 /1/2024).

Budiman acknowledged that Anies had criticized Prabowo a lot. However, this criticism was considered to only focus on Prabowo’s personal issues.


“Yes, he mentioned something, but it seems that the weight of pressure conveyed by Mr. Anies was a lot of personal attacks,” he said.

Budiman assessed that Prabowo continued to answer on the right track. Prabowo considered mastering the issues presented by the moderator.

“But I am interested that Pak Prabowo is still trying to be on the right track discussing issues of defense, foreign policy, geopolitics and globalization, in his capacity not only because he is Minister of Defense but he is also a good reader, book reader, reader. newspapers, news, quite up to date,” he said.

He also assessed Ganjar’s performance on debate night. Budiman said Ganjar tried to criticize but did not know that some defense issues could not be openly disclosed to the public.

“Substantially, Pak Prabowo controls it, and if we look at the attitude of the two other candidates, Pak Ganjar tries to criticize the performance of the Ministry of Defense but doesn’t know that in various kinds of defense issues, there are things that are really sensitive and cannot be disclosed,” said Budiman.

“Regarding power, fighter aircraft, defense equipment will reveal state secrets, because defense issues are sensitive,” he concluded.

The third presidential candidate debate was held on Sunday (7/1) at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta. The debate carried the themes of defense, security, international relations and geopolitics.

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See also Video: Rewards to Prabowo: At first I believed you understood, now I doubt it

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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2024-01-08 01:26:16

#TKN #Anies #Criticism #Presidential #Candidate #Debate #Lots #Prabowo #Personal #Attacks

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