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Budget Law, the government places its confidence in the maneuver in the Chamber

The government raises the question of confidence in the Chamber on the maneuver. Voting will begin with the first call today at 18.57. The budget law thus begins to collect the definitive go-ahead from Parliament. The vote of confidence is expected tomorrow evening, Wednesday, the final vote on Thursday morning, a breath away from the provisional exercise.

Numerous incentives for 2022 contained in the Budget law to support families and beyond. The ceiling of 240 thousand euros in force since 2011 for the top executives of the PA is missing, which can now be exceeded. The measure also applies to non-listed investee companies.

The ‘green’ maneuver of the Draghi government, with investments in sustainable infrastructures and pushes towards the ecological transition of the business world, is therefore preparing to be voted definitively. In the text, the refinancing of energy bonuses for construction, rules for the fight against fires, the reorganization of waterways, the fight against climate change.

The main measures

The Fund for the support for industrial transition: 150 million euros from 2022, to facilitate the adaptation of the production system to European policies. In 2022, the 15% tax credit for technological innovation aimed at ecological transition or digital innovation 4.0 is extended with 2 million euros. For the tax year 2023 at 10 percent within the maximum annual limit of 4 million euros and, for the tax periods 2024 and 2025, at 5 percent, again within 4 million. The so-called ‘Green Guarantee’ is also renewed with new allocations for 2022 equal to 565 million intended to cover the guarantees on loans in favor of Green New Deal projects, for a maximum Sace commitment of 3 billion.


As part of the Employability Guarantee Program (GOL), it will be possible to sign agreements between local autonomies, public and private entities, third sector entities, trade union associations of employers and workers, aimed at carrying out training and job placement in the sectors of ecological transition.


To combat climate change and reduce emissions according to the objectives of “Fit for 55”, the “Fund for a sustainable mobility strategy” was created at Mims, with 2 billion from 2023 to 2034. The resources are destined for the renewal of the park local bus, the purchase of hydrogen trains, the construction of cycle lanes, the development of rail freight transport, the adoption of alternative fuels for ships and airplanes and the renewal of vehicles for road transport. Over a billion and a half is also allocated over the next 15 years for the subways of Genoa, Milan, Naples, Rome and Turin, while 3.35 billion from 2022 to 2036 are allocated to road adaptation interventions.


The Italian Climate Fund is born, with an endowment of 840 million euros per year from 2022 to 2026 and 40 million from 2027. The objective is to achieve the objectives established in the international agreements to which Italy has joined. For the implementation of the measures envisaged by the national air pollution control program, 50 million in 2023, 100 million in 2024, 150 million in 2025 and 200 million annually from 2026 to 2035 are allocated. and the flow of rivers arrive 5 million for each year from 2022 to 2024. The restoration of water purification works, as well as water monitoring systems, will require 15 million in the next three years. From 2023 to 2027, 50 million a year will be allocated for civil protection interventions connected to natural disasters and 150 million in the three-year period 2022-2024 will be reserved for fighting fires. For the opening of centers for preparation for reuse, instead, 6 million arrive for 2022 and 2023.

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