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Budget coach in Postponement of Execution is shocked by the situation: ‘It doesn’t get any worse’

Lieve and her ex-boyfriend decide to move to Curaçao a few years ago, to run a country house there. Lieve is already pregnant at that time, but her baby is stillborn just before the opening of the mansion. She doesn’t have much time to dwell on this and mourn, because she has to roll up her sleeves to make sure everything runs smoothly. Two years later she discovers that she is pregnant again and she and her boyfriend decide to move back to the Netherlands. Lieve gives birth to a healthy daughter, but unfortunately the relationship does not last.

That’s when the problems start. When she applies for a child budget, a year later she suddenly receives an envelope in the letterbox with a hefty bill. Because her divorce was not yet finalized during the application, she has to repay 9,000 euros. Lieve cannot pay this and the bills are mounting. If she then applies for a supplementary benefit because she does not earn enough money in the catering industry, she will be checked by the municipality of Helmond. They take pictures of her while she is working at hours that she actually did not get paid and from that moment on the benefits stop and she is registered as a fraud.

When her daughter also gets pfeiffer, and Lieve is forced to stay at home, she loses her job. The situation is now so bad that Lieve’s parents pay her rent and part of the groceries every month. She tells Martijn that she is at her wits’ end. “I have no income, nothing. Every dime I have goes to food. Sometimes I just eat sandwiches or a cup of broth.” Lieve appears to have bury her head in the sand, because she has not dared to open her mailbox for a long time, which means that the bills are piling up and she no longer has any insight into the situation.

It is therefore the task of budget coach Eef van Opdorp to give Lieve a financially healthy restart. “You are ripe for debt counseling on all sides,” she concludes. “We now have to put things in order step by step and look your fear in the mouth. It doesn’t get worse than this, it can only get better.” Normally, real estate agent Alex also lends a hand, but because Lieve lives in a rented house, this time he does not have the opportunity to refurbish her house and sell it for a profit. What he can do is give her rental home a makeover, so that Lieve and her daughter have a nice place to relax.

Eef tells Martijn that the help for Lieve arrives just in time. “It is really bad. We were not a second too late. Her electricity would be canceled, we just managed to save that. And bailiffs were planning to take her belongings with them.” Eef arranges for Lieve to start a financial process and receive help. Martijn also manages to arrange that she does not have to pay rent for three months, which finally gives Lieve some hope.

When her house is also completely renovated and redecorated, she is thrilled. And it doesn’t stop there, it turns out at the end of the episode. Eef also has the prospect of a new job. “I can tell you that I feel very good thanks to you,” she tells Martijn and Eef. “I finally have everything back on track and I’m just happy!”

Postponement of Execution can be seen every Monday evening around 8.30 pm on RTL 4, or look ahead at Videoland.

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