Home » today » News » Buckovski: We will not enter the EU if we have to admit that Gotse Delchev is Bulgarian – Politics – World – Focus with Lora Krumova

Buckovski: We will not enter the EU if we have to admit that Gotse Delchev is Bulgarian – Politics – World – Focus with Lora Krumova

Exactly two days ago, the first plane flew from Sofia to Skopje. At the same time, deputies from northern Macedonia made a provocation – they appeared in T-shirts with the face of Gotse Delchev and demanded the adoption of a special declaration for the revolutionary. In “Against the Current” Evgeniy Genchev talks to Vlado Buckovski, who was fired as a special negotiator with Bulgaria.

Skopje has released its special envoy for Bulgaria

“We will not join the European Union if we have to admit that Gotse Delchev is Bulgarian,” he said in response to a question about what would happen if Bulgaria said it insisted that Northern Macedonia recognize Gotse Delchev as a Bulgarian as a condition of their path to EU membership.

“I have come before the monument to Gotse Delchev before because of the respect I have for him and because of the way we Macedonians grew up – with the myth, the legend of the great apologist Gotse Delchev, who is at the heart of the independence of the Macedonian state. But on the other hand, Gotse fought for freedom not only in Macedonia but also in Edirne. He is the great revolutionary, who I think is the figure who shows our common history, “he added.

Here is the whole interview of Evgeniy Genchev with Vlado Buchkovski:

– Would Gotse Delchev be ashamed today if he sees us on what topics we are arguing?

– He would be ashamed and I think he turns to the grave, because of his ideals, because of his ideas. Today he would be one of the greatest cosmopolitans. At a time when the two governments are demonstrating a will with a new methodology to talk not only about history, but to talk more about the future, I think that the opposition in our parliament, we are doing something that should not be done in this moment.

– “It’s really a pity, but what can we do when we are all Bulgarians and we all suffer from a common disease” is a quote from the book by Peyo Yavorov about Gotse Delchev. Does it sound prophetic to you?

– In my opinion, in these letters, in which Gotse Delchev speaks about the Bulgarians and the Macedonians, he speaks of a curse, which I think is not valid now. We are so close, but it seems that we give many opportunities to those who do not want Macedonia and Bulgaria to be real allies to be noisier. And in reality, the populists, the patriots who are fighting in the chest are the ones who in the specific moments when we are looking for a solution make it not easy.

Buckovski: Bulgaria will lift the blockade of Northern Macedonia for the EU

– Is this book read in Northern Macedonia and from it that “we are all Bulgarians”?

– It is read where he says that we are all Bulgarians, but also where he says that the Macedonians, the Macedonian land and the Macedonian family are what he is fighting for, what he dreams of. He dreams of a free Macedonia, he dreams of a state within a state, he dreams of political autonomy, but he also dreams of a federation of Balkan states on new principles.

– If we say that you either admit that Gotse Delchev is Bulgarian, or you will not become Europeans, how would you answer?

– If this is the condition, Macedonia will never be a member of the European Union. I don’t think this is the path that leads us to the goal.

– But he himself says that he is Bulgarian.

– But if we take out just one quote. This is a fact. Speaking of where he was born, he was born in Kukush, today’s Kilkis in Greece. He died in the village of Banitsa, which is also in present-day Greece.

– Is it because the conversation about history is very difficult, the chairman of your commission on the Macedonian side to ask him to be frozen and forget about it for a while?

– This is not good. The problems with the implementation of the contract started when our part of the commission asked in 2019, because the elections, which were early, were extraordinary for us, the commission not to work. And those 6, which then became 9 months in which the commission did not work, created a problem. So I think the committee needs to keep working.

– Why is this being done? Why is there such a proposal? According to our Prof. Kiril Topalov, there is political pressure to propose something similar.

– No, our committee does not have the ambition to listen in any case to the wishes of politicians.

– If it closes, it would mean non-compliance with the contract.

– I also think that this would be a wrong step and the commission will continue to work.

– According to some of our politicians and analysts, you do not respect the Neighborhood Agreement. How do you answer them?

– One of the points that the Bulgarian side and the Bulgarian government point out is the passivity of the General Commission for Historical Affairs during these 9 months. From the point of view of the current situation, the Macedonian side constantly claims that Bulgaria does not respect the agreement, because instead of helping us on the way to the European Union, with the blockade it postpones and makes a strategic mistake.

“Because of the veto?”

– Yes, because of the veto.

– But 80% of the Bulgarian population say they want the veto to remain.

– I look at them in combination with those 70% who say that they want Macedonia to be part of the European Union by finding a solution. And I think that in this combination, the new governments must look for the formula. The compromise must be accepted by the society in Bulgaria, but also by the one in Macedonia.

Ottomans to NOVA: Relations between Bulgaria and RS Macedonia are at the lowest level

– Contracts must be respected, right? Otherwise there will be no trust.

– I am a lawyer and I argue that contracts must be respected and that the only solution that leads us to compromise is compliance with the contract. The declarations and resolutions in Parliament, in my opinion, have caused a great deal of trouble, and that is why we must return to the treaty. The contract is very good.

– One part of it reads: “Neither Contracting Party shall allow its territory to be used against the other by organizations and groups aimed at subversive separatist actions and endangering the peace and security of the other Contracting Party.” Why did your president meet with OMO Ilinden?

– He met with representatives of many associations, because they sought a meeting with him. They define themselves as Macedonians. According to its constitution and treaty, Macedonia should not interfere in Bulgaria’s internal affairs. And I think President Pendarovski knows that well. And he’s a lawyer, and he’s a professor.

“Wasn’t that a provocation against us?”

– It was not a provocation, because if he had not met with these people, citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria, who identify themselves as Macedonians, and on the other hand Macedonian Bulgarians have meetings with your president … he just has to find balance.

– I saw the page of OMO “Ilinden” on Facebook. These people believe that in fact Pirin Macedonia is occupied by Bulgaria, should be liberated and annexed to Northern Macedonia. How do we know that your president is meeting with them?

– The desire of the President and our government is not to encourage division. Our desire is to become members of the European Union as soon as possible and to unite.

– The contract says that we must celebrate historical moments and personalities together. Why was your prime minister in Brussels on February 4?

– This was not intentional. He has headed the government for three weeks and a visit to Brussels has been arranged before that. The celebration so far has been of undisputed individuals who have been agreed by the joint committee. These are the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, Nahum and Clement. We celebrate them together. Gotse Delchev is disputed all year round.

– I understand that Brussels is important, but the veto depends on us. Did it prevent them from meeting and demonstrating in any way the closeness between the two peoples in front of the monument to Gotse Delchev?

– There is a chance that this will be done on May 4.

– You are a dialogical person. I assume that this was the reason why you were appointed as a special negotiator with Bulgaria at the moment when our country vetoed it. But now you have been removed, a day after this veto was confirmed by the Advisory Council in Bulgaria. What did they explain to you? Why are you being fired?

– According to the new methodology that has been agreed, the five working groups do not need a mediator, so it seems logical to me to give a chance to the new approach. The two prime ministers, the governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria, have met in many years. Every week we see the working groups working, to give them a chance.

– Is the problem with your personality? Do you interfere in any way?

– I would not say. My views are on the common celebration of personalities and events in common history, and I cannot change my narrative. We Macedonians have no Bulgarians closer to you. Others say Serbs are closer to us. We Macedonians are a meek people and we want to reach solutions with understanding. With understanding and faith that we can understand each other.

– According to one of our political scientists Dimitar Bechev, the reason for your dismissal is that the lobbies from old times around Branko Crvenkovski, who want to destroy bridges, are returning to Skopje. Is that so?

– I think it is clear that both in Macedonia and in Bulgaria there are forces that are not happy that now the new prime ministers are trying with a new methodology to chart the path to restoring confidence.

– Will you change your Constitution for us?

– I think that the Constitution will certainly change. But the question is when. If anyone says now, they should know that two thirds are needed in parliament. The opposition is against it at the moment, but I don’t think the opposition would mind either. I would not be against the majority of citizens in Macedonia if the other side took a step towards us. Macedonians are very bothered by the fact that Bulgaria does not recognize the Macedonian language. If we talk about rights, we will understand them more easily than history.

– Is it possible to ask for reciprocity and your fellow politicians to want to have a Macedonian minority in the Bulgarian Constitution?

– We are aware that the concept of the Bulgarian constitution is different.

– Is it difficult to be a Bulgarian in RSM? Are Bulgarians subjected to repression there?

– According to official data, only one report of discrimination was filed last year. That is what we need to talk about. They may be afraid. That is why I speak about this with great care in my appearances in the Macedonian and Bulgarian media. I say that this is a legitimate thing and it should be talked about without hesitation. These people must have full support and protection for their demands.

– Who is the most valuable and holy historical Macedonian figure for you?

– Gotse Delchev.

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