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Buchheimers also continue to demand buses to Freiburg – March

Local council discusses the draft of the local transport plan in detail and rejects it / vote for joint Marcher position.

(ie). The Buchheim local council unanimously rejected the draft planning of the Freiburg regional transport association for bus services in March. At the meeting, March’s Mayor Helmut Mursa reported that lawyers were working on a statement on behalf of the municipality for around 10,000 euros. He himself will then incorporate the points put forward by the local councils. On March 29th, it is to be adopted at the meeting of the Marcher parish council.

The focus of the local council meeting was on motions from Christian Meyer (Grne), which refer to a key issues paper that has only been available to the administration, the municipal councils and local councils so far. Mayor Thomas Gerspach (UBM) reported that this paper had been created by local residents after the information event with citizens that took place at the beginning of March. It deals with bus traffic, which is organized by the Freiburg Regional Transport Association, because the state is responsible for rail traffic. Gerspach explained that they wanted a 30-minute cycle in the rush hours from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. March belongs to the urban agglomeration of Freiburg, where the near destination Freiburg, compared to long-distance destinations, also has a special meaning for commuters. Andreas Steiert (GfM) demanded that it was important to bring the employees to their workplaces in Freiburg. Further funds are required for a traffic turnaround. The district council is therefore asked in the key issues paper to demand further funds from the state for bus transport.

Buses to Freiburg delayed to the S-Bahn

It is not acceptable to pass the costs for a functioning local transport on to the municipalities, be it through a higher district levy or because the municipalities have to raise money themselves in order to obtain bus connections that are important for them. Christian Meyer criticized the planned hourly service of the bus line in the future.

This cycle is only planned between 6 a.m. and midnight. “What should those who start work at 6 o’clock or earlier do,” said Meyer. The last bus to March, which starts today at 0.40 a.m. at the Freiburg bus station, will also be dropped. Punctuality and timing of the Breisgau S-Bahn are important, as it is a matter of reaching connections to other connections in regional and long-distance traffic and not having to wait an hour at Freiburg main station for the onward journey.

With the buses, which so far also reach the tram, March has so far been better connected to the local transport network in Freiburg in terms of quality and time. Meyer suggested that the buses to Freiburg should be delayed to the S-Bahn. This means that every quarter of an hour from Hugstetten station to Freiburg can be reached, which was once the actual goal of local transport planning.

Meyer had also applied to extend the bus connection via Vrstetten to the Gundelfingen grammar school to the Gundelfingen train station. Mayor Helmut Mursa explained that this is primarily about the transportation of students, the connection to the train station is of no use, according to the ZRF. March should focus on the particularly important things with his requests. Mursa explained that the plan was to cut the Y-connection connecting Neuershausen and Holzhausen with Hugstetten station. Separate bus routes from Neuershausen and Holzhausen directly to Hugstetten would save costs compared to the current Y-traffic, which always first approaches both districts and runs through Buchheim in between.

Meyer’s request to approve the bus connection to Umkirch was not accepted with one yes, three against and four abstentions. There was also no majority for Meyer’s request to include the Buchheim ideas in the community’s statement to the ZRF. “We have the right to be heard and to make suggestions to the council,” said Mayor Gerspach. The decision would then have to be made by the council for the whole of March.

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